
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
To most people a rubbish bin might be just a place to put their waste, sadly to others it is a source of food. But to some people bins are none of those, they are all individual characters waiting for a little art attack on them to show people their true self. And this blog is dedicated to those people who try to bring a little bit of colour, maybe even a little bit of happiness to were there otherwise would never be any. It brings a smile on my own face to bring you…

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
10 – He just looks so happy! (source)
My first one may seem simple but it is well worth trying yourself, just go to a hobby/craft shop where you can buy these stick on eyes you see in the image and stick them on your own peddle bin at home at watch as it almost seems to start smiling!
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
9 – “I ate all this grit and now I don’t feel well at all!” (source)
To those that don’t know, this is a grit bin. it normally just sits on streets in the UK looking rather sorry for its self, but given a little bit of an art makeover and suddenly people start to take notice of it, and I for one feel rather sorry for it!
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
8 – Can I go large? (source)
While this images is a great example of how a normal everyday can recycling dome and a rubbish bin can look amazing I’m sure there is an underline story of how their food is rubbish and should be thrown in the bin rather than eating it. But maybe I am wrong and the artist does in fact just love Mcdonalds so much it inspired them to do this!
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
7 – Sponge Bob Trash Pants! (source)
Are you ready? Ooohhhh….Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? The wheelie bin?!? It has to be said that this strangely seems to work quite well! Turning the bin around revels a different Sponge Bob emotion on all 4 sides and just looks amazing.
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
6 – “Use the bin Luke!” (source)
This is just one of those amazing things you see in the street that everyone looks at and takes pictures of. Seen in California this amazing R2-D2 inspire bin brings a smile to most nerds faces even though underneath it is still just a rubbish bin!
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
5 – EXTERMINATE….RUBBISH!!! (source)
Seen in a park in Wiltshire is this rather impressive TARDIS rubbish bin that was made to try to encourage the local people to put there rubbish into it. I have no idea if the idea worked but it looks amazing anyway and well worth me including it in this list.
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
4 – The Mona Lisa of bins (source)
These amazing mosaic style bins are located in Arcata, California and are in fact part of an art exhibition that happens each and every year and I think they bring a real touch of class to something that people would otherwise walk pass and not notice.
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
3 – The Right Honourable Mr wheelie bin (source)
Like I said at the start of this post, adding some art to a rubbish bin can seem to bring out an actual personality in them that you would have otherwise overlooked and if ever there was a bin you just have to say “hello!” to it is this. Seen in Bristol and one of the friendliest bins in the World!
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
2 – …BARF! (source)
Once again we go back to Bristol that seems to be home of some of the greatest bins in the world! And this one I just loved, made out to look like the grit bin has barfed up some grit it’s simple to do yourself and simply brings a smile to your face and that is what life is all about.
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Bins
1 – Coooookies! (source)
German Timm showed off his love of Sesame Street by using a bright blue public bin and a pair of eyes and made it look just like Cookie Monster! It is said to have gone viral and brought a smile to the face of millions of people who pass it each and everyday in New York. Funny, simple, genius, but yet underneath it is just a garbage bin.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms

The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms
Here in the UK those frosty mornings are now starting to kick in and if there is one thing you can suffer from at this time of year its chapped lips. But don’t worry! Simply apply some original lip balm to the sore sections of your lips and they will be feeling much better in no time. But choosing which lip balm is right for you might be easier said than done! It’s time to choose….
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
10 – Corn Dog Flavour (£3.44)–(source)
Lather up those sore lips and be instantly transported back to happier days. Life was so much simpler when you had no idea how many calories were actually in a corn dog, let alone like us Brits what a corn dog even was! ( It’s a sausage dipped in corn batter and fried)
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
9 – French Fry Flavour (£1.83)–(source)
“Would you like a Big Mac with that lip balm?” For those that don’t know a French Fry is a skinny chip. When I first saw this lip balm I thought it was some sort of joke but nope! It really is exactly what it says on the packet.
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
8 – Popcorn Flavour (£2.16)–(source)
Hold the phone because that great buttery flavoured popcorn taste you know and love is now available in a lip balm! Stop carrying that microwave around town just so you can rub the buttery taste onto your lips, just carry this instead!
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
7 – Roasted Hazelnut, Walnut & Almond Flavour (£2.51)–(source)
Not one that I would offer some poor old lady at a bus top suffering from chapped lips, but still one that I just had to include just for its silly name. But apparently it does taste rather nice and it is “All Natural Vegan Handmade Lip Balm” after all!
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
6 – Carrot Cake Flavour (£1.91)–(source)
What is silent and smells like carrots? Bunny Farts! That is what the seller says anyway, but I just think that this is a great talking point with friends and a healthy alternative to all the other non-natural ones out there.
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balm
5 – Pepsi: Wild Cherry or Vanilla (£2.99)–(source)
Do you like the taste of Cherry Coke? Well in some shops I have seen Cherry Pepsi as well! And what better way to take care of those precious, kissable lips than to use this great looking (can’t comment on the taste yet) Wild Cherry Pepsi!
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms
4 – Chocolate Peanut Butter flavour (£3.50)–(source)
Reese’s Pieces introduces this amazing peanut butter flavoured lip balm! Your favourite little chocolate pieces will always be on your lips whenever you apply this lip balm and it contains less than 1 calorie per lip wipe!
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms
3 – Spearmint and pink cotton candy flavour (£2.54)–(source)
Ever wondered what a Unicorn tastes like? What about farts? Then why not combine the two great tastes in this one amazing lip balm! In reality it taste like spearmint and pink cotton candy and is in fact a natural beeswax and Shea cocoa butter lip balm.
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms
2 – Dill Flavour (£2.99)–(source)
Dill-flavored Pickle Lip Balm saves you from having to rub an actual briny pickle on your lips in a delicious, but misguided, attempt to use pickle power to protect them. Does it work? Well for just £2.99 you can find out!
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms
The World’s Top 10 Best Lip Balms
1 – Bacon Flavour  (£3.44)–(source)
Everyone loves bacon right? Well some people go so far as to say that everything tastes better with bacon! Well it is time to find out with this ultimate in weird lip balms, The Bacon Balm! Does it taste like bacon? I have no idea but for just over £3 I am willing to find out.