
Thursday, November 29, 2012

The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!

The World's Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
This is my own opinion on what is the best top 10 images of people having their hair cut or styled with a Christmas theme. So without further ado…
The World's Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
10 – O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree; Thy split ends are so unchanging!  
Yes! Believe it or not it is a full on Christmas tree, with a star, with full on decorations! But don’t worry this is not the office party at the loony bin but a simple pantomime Haircut. But sadly the Character being portrayed and the show location and name are unknown.
The World's Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
9 – £5 says he was surprised all right!
Her–> “Hey honey! I went out and got my haircut!”
Him–> “Oh cool. Lets get a look at it then….OH…MY….GOD!!!!!”
What more can you say other than what the images says! It’s OTT and was done because the lady in question just loves Christmas and wanted to surprise her husband who also likes Christmas!
The World's Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
8 – It’s Christmas in the 70′s!
These 2 amazing Christmas inspired haircuts were both part of a Christmas fashion shoot by a top designer way back in 1962! They might well be vintage but they are still some epic looking Christmas hairstyles.
The World's Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
7 – Santa does vogue!
This is high fashion again and of course that will mean a crazy high Christmas tree being themed into someone’s hair. I had to wonder how heavy it was.
The World's Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
6 – Ding, ding next stop please Christmas Tree!
How long have you got to work on a bus before you go crazy enough to start weaving an entire Christmas tree into your hair?!? For Mike Davenport about 19 years is seems., but he says he did it because he just loves Christmas!
The World's Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
5 – Santa, Santa…nope! No Santa on the guest list and if your names isn’t down…!
Mike the bouncer from Liverpool loves a bit Christmas ( and probably fighting)  and while not having much hair he decided to shave a Christmas tree into the back of his head!
The World's Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
4 – Put another present on the Barbie!
Construction worker John from Brisbane, Australia decided to try to cheer his fellow co-works up with this crazy looking haircut! So did it work? Well it seems like it was more laughing at him than with him.
The World's Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
3 – Not only in Japan!
The common saying is that this is crazy and could only be in Japan but the other 9 in this list are not from Japan at all, and in fact they are from anyway but, but this image is and is quite a crazy looking one indeed.
The World's Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
2 – Not too over the top but still looking a little weird is this great looking one that is actually not bad at all, and dare we go so far as to say….nice!
The World's Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
The World’s Top 10 Best Christmas 2012 hairstyles!
1 - Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny…head!
What we like best about this one is that it is not some crazy coloured hairdo with all the colours of the rainbow and more but a simple “bun” styled haircut with very simple craft edits that anyone can do. Even me!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Top 10 Amazing Pieces of Fan Art

Artwork drawn out of pure affection for some pop culture has a negative reputation, mainly being considered rank “amateur.” While it’s true that there are many that are more suitable for putting on a fridge than putting on public display through the internet, there are many amazing pieces out there at least as good as what the people actually paid to work on those projects can do. Some of these are so good, in fact, that they resulted in the fan being hired by their respective idols. You can’t really hope for much more than that out of a drawing.

10. Nina Minamoto’s Simpsonzu


Based off an official piece of promotional artwork for the show, fan artist Minamoto drew this, stating that she didn’t think it would take off at all and, in fact, thinks it could use some work. 20th Century Fox’s comic division obviously disagreed, as the piece resulted in her being hired to illustrate a story in a Simpsons comic book, that was done in the style of a Japanese comic. In addition, this fan drawing has become so popular, that it has inspired some of its own fan drawings, such as this one.

9. Misha’s Mashups


There are numerous overlaps between the mythology of Star Wars and Super Mario Brothers: princess in danger, her home world under attack, brave underdog adventurers to the rescue, reptile mascot for the kids. Los Angeles-based underground artist Misha gets it, because her series of painted homages to the successful film series and video games series completely works. She has many more surprisingly effective pieces at her website.

8. Yaroslav Grigorash’s Zeratul


Since debuting as the fastest-selling strategy game of 2010, Starcraft 2 has deeply connected with a vast fan base, even among the 2.3 million people who have pirated it since its release. One of the best pieces of fan art it ever inspired was this 3-D rendered piece, a piece which DeviantArt declared one of the best for the day.

7. Josh Gilbert’s Avatar Poster


Almost nobody on the internet can do movie posters like Josh Gilbert. He consistently nails the strong composition these posters need, and gets the essence of the movie he’s marketing. He doesn’t just limit himself to science fiction either. He’s done Drive, Bad Lieutenant, and a controversial one for Calvin And Hobbes (see below).  I will put it to you that his Avatar fan poster is actually better than the studio’s. How do you think it compares?

6. Torren Thomas’s Breaking Bad Tribute


Bryan Cranston’s ability to sell his Breaking Bad character’s growth from “out-of-his-depth teacher trying to become a criminal” to, if we may quote the ads, “the danger”, is well-reflected in this digital painting. The overlay of chemical equations is nicely subtle, and illustrates the maddening complexity of his life extremely well. Most of Thomas’s work is straight caricature, but Cranston/White has never looked better, except maybe for the pilot episode, when he was in his undies.

5. Mike Segawa’s Glee Character Sheet


The overall artifice, and upbeat tone, of Glee can be really grating for some. For fans though, this simple yet bright-and-colorful character sheet captures the show’s essence perfectly. In a manner similar to Nina Matsumoto, he describes the drawing as being just for “practice.” If you’re a fan of Glee who wants to see more of the Segawa style, stop by his character blog.

4. “A Song of Ice and Lemoncakes” by Drew


While Game of Thrones is a show that’s not so much fun as it is captivating and addictive, this artist, who is only identified as Drew, gives the characters a really fun and lively style, without making them any less credible. For those not already fans of Game of Thrones (or “Thronies” as they are known), know that this is certainly one of the most complete fan tributes to the show, as others tend to go for a more minimalist, sometimes color-less, approach to their interpretation.

3. Manly Link by Gonzalo Ordonez Arias


Distributing his stuff under the name GENZOMAN, this artist has a highly polished and exaggerated style that’s really love-it-or-hate-it, with an extreme Frank Zappa influence. However, his conversion of the pretty normally-built Link, from the Zelda videogames, into a super beefcake, is hysterical. Even funnier but a bit more inside (and NSFW) is this one involving a certain immensely-irritating fairy sidekick of his.

2. The Avengers Fan Mural


TopTenz really doesn’t encourage people to deface public property. It often becomes grating on the eyes and cheats people who pay for ad space, among other issues. But DAMN, is this one cool! It’s located in the South Bronx, done by a collaboration of obviously-anonymous artists who go by names like Sen2 and Owns, and who each handled one section or character.

1. Johane Matte’s Avatar: Last Air Bender Comics


Here we have another case of a fan being elevated to an employee, thanks to a hobby that they didn’t expect to make any money with. Johane Matte’s comics, even as they poked fun at the show, were seen by employees of the Nickelodeon animation studio that created the show. She was hired as a storyboard artist thanks to her work, which means she laid out the perspectives of shots, the movement of characters and objects, etc. All that and way more is available at her DeviantArt page.

Feel free to let us know, down in the comments section, which great examples of fan art we might have missed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Top 10 Worst Named Cities in America

At the risk of never being given the keys to the city of Crapo, Maryland, where you might not to want to open anything anyway, namely a business, there are some places that are just plain unappealing to the ear. There are towns that for whatever reason struck ‘appeal to tourists’ off the local chamber of commerce agendas, watched the Rotarians rotate their wheels out of Dodge and whose mayors are currently in the process of decommissioning our welcome wagons. I give you the 10 worst named cities in America. Special honor to Pennsylvania for dominating this list.

10. Dead Horse, Alaska

What more could we say about it without invoking the phrase? If your town is a ‘one horse’ one, better make sure the beast isn’t glue factory-bound.

9. Fleatown, Ohio

Brought in from a curbside mattress. Don’t make any hotel reservations.

8. Hell, Michigan

‘Hell’ might mean bright in German, but these name choices aren’t. If Hell was at a lower latitude, instead of Michigan, at least in the summer it would lend itself to ‘It’s hotter than Hell”, “No it isn’t” repartee.

7. Virginville, Pennsylvania

Not a popular town for the guys, but probably a place most mother’s would like their daughters to take up residence, at least until they are safely married. The fact that a hotel bears the name is high comedy. (See photo)

6. Looneyville, Texas

You can only blame the township so much, when the founder was name John Looney. At the time the word looney may not have had the connotation it does now. But the stigma must be horrible when you think about your job interview and announce you are from the town of Looneyville.

5. Boogertown, North Carolina

One good thing about Boogertown, is that it’s in Gaston County home of Cito Gaston who captained the Toronto Blue Jays to back to back World Series wins. This may be a stretch, but why don’t YOU come up with something for a substance a construction worker shoots out his left nostril.

4. Boring, Oregon

The community was named for W. H. Boring, an early resident of the area. The name “Boring” is embraced by locals, however, and found in many local businesses, resulting in many road signs that seem humorous to outsiders. Boosters of the village designation use the slogan “The most exciting place to live.

3. Blue Ball, Pennsylvania

The town’s name often gets attention due to it being very similar to blue balls, a sexual condition in males. This joins nearby towns Intercourse, Bird-in-Hand, and Virginville in the list of sexually-suggestive sounding town names in the Pennsylvania Dutch area of Pennsylvania.

2. Spread Eagle, Wisconsin

A city that’s tough on crime, but leaves you feeling compromised.

1. Intercourse, Pennsylvania

The sign reads “Welcome to Intercourse” and how many married men thought the were entering that very “city” when getting married, only to find it was a one-way trip to Blue Ball Pennsylvania. Good thing its close by.

Top 10 International Military Schools

This list can be thought of as an addendum of sorts to a similar list that was done here at TopTenz, featuring American military schools.  There was a bit of thought, both from myself, and from the readers of the original list, that there is something to be said about military institutions of higher learning beyond the borders of the United States.  And indeed there is.

Interestingly (though not surprisingly), not all countries operate their military academies in the same manner as the U.S.  While most international military academies mirror their American counterparts in the mission of training men and women to become leaders within the armed forces, they do not all include a post-secondary styled education.  After a bit of thought, I’ve included on this list some of the schools that do not offer such a program (namely the Brits and Brazilians).  The reason for this is that the main focus of these lists – in my mind anyway – has always been the military training aspect.  There happens to be a number of international schools that excel at producing superior military officers and deserve inclusion, in my opinion, on any list that tackles this subject.  After all, the idea behind any military school is to develop leaders, and this they do exceedingly well.

Without further commentary, here are the top ten international military schools:

10.  Royal Military College of Canada


For reasons that continue to allude me, America’s neighbor to the north tends escape the notice of most.  A literal sleeping giant, Canada has a rich military history in its own right, though its contributions may have not drawn as much attention as other nations.  Nevertheless, The Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) continues to produce officers for service in the Canadian armed forces.  RMC is Canada’s only federal degree-conferring military-oriented university.  With the stated mission to “educate, train and develop officer cadets for leadership careers of effective service in the Canadian Forces – the Royal Canadian Air Force, the Royal Canadian Navy, and the Canadian Army,” RMC has dutifully performed its stated function since 1876.

Located at Point Frederick, Kingston, Ontario, the school emphasizes 4 “pillars: of education: military leadership, athletics, academics, and linguistics (French and English). A fully accredited institution of higher learning, RMC offers 19 undergraduate programs (in the areas of engineering, arts and science), 34 graduate programs, and 14 doctorate programs.  The school has several different education tracts available to students, depending on their particular commitment (or lack thereof) to serving in the Canadian armed forces.  The Regular Officer Training Program caters to those students who will be obligated to five years of service upon completion of their education (the program is actually considered a scholarship).  These students have their expenses fully paid by the Canadian government, and receive a stipend each month to cover additional expenses.  Other programs within the school allow students to attend without having an obligation for military service (requiring them to pay their own expenses).  Eligibility for admittance into the school requires a potential cadet to meet the set criteria for the undergraduate programs of the school, as well those conditions set for officers of the Canadian armed forces.

In regards to cadet life on campus, the RMC functions in a similar manner to American military academies.  Students, referred to as cadets, form the school’s cadet wing.  The cadet wing is then broken down into smaller squadron and flight formations.  The cadets have a rank hierarchy that is adhered to, as well as the responsibility of administering the day-to-day activities of the wing (i.e. discipline, duty details, etc.).  A strict code of military bearing and discipline is expected, and enforced.  Cadets are required to participate not only in the rigorous academic offerings of the RMC, but to master the different phases of military and leadership training as well.

During their first year, cadets are subjected to intense indoctrination.  Cadets are required to march everywhere they go, maintain incredibly high dress standards, and participate in rigorous physical training.  In addition, cadets are not allowed to leave the campus OR receive visitors during their first year.  Upon successful completion of the first academic year, cadets continue their training, though under slightly less intense pressure.  Additionally, cadets will begin to assume leadership roles within the cadet wing to better prepare them for a career of leadership and service within the armed forces.

With a rich tradition that spans 135 years, the Royal Military College of Canada has provided the Canadian armed forces with the leaders that have enabled its military to serve with distinction around the globe, in times of war and national need.

9.  Royal Military Academy of Belgium


Belgium is not traditionally recognized as a military juggernaut.  Nevertheless, those outside of the European Union may be surprised at the central role that Belgium has in the international arena.  Brussels, for example, is considered the unofficial capitol of the European Union, not to mention the location of the headquarters for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).  In the midst of this, Belgium has maintained a professional military establishment, that stands ready to defend Belgium’s national interest and treaty obligations in NATO.

The Royal Military Academy is the nation’s military university.  Established in 1834 and based on French “grand ecoles” (elite university) standard, its purpose is to educate the future officers who will comprise the leadership of its armed forces.  Located in Brussels, the school is fully accredited and confers degrees (Bachelor and Master Degrees) under a 5 year system (3 years for the BA and the MA in the final 2 years).  Admission for future students is competitive.  First, potential students must successfully pass a battery of military admission tests, that are given to every prospect entering the Belgian military.  Next, students will have to perform well on public examinations.  In this phase, they are competing with other potential entrants to the school, with those who score the highest winning the coveted and limited spots available each school year (about 400 or so).

Once admitted, RMA begins transforming young men and women into military leaders.  As with most national military academies, tuition and expenses are fully covered by the government, and students receive a small salary during their time at the school. With a focus on physical and military training in conjunction with character development, the RMA sounds and feels like what would be expected at any top-notch military educational institution.  The RMA refers to its educational offerings as “integrated”.  The reason for this is the concerted effort to mix a beneficial blend of academic and military training to students.  The school’s academic offerings are among the best to be found in Europe.  In addition to BA and MA degrees, the school has a post-graduate PhD program, as well as renowned research opportunities.

Life for students at the RMA is a bit more relaxed than what can be found in American military academies, but nonetheless military-oriented.  During the first 3 years at the school, students will reside in rooms with 2 or three other students.  During the fourth year, students may opt for individual rooms.  Students will spend most of their time on campus, though they are allowed weekends and one night per week to leave (assuming that they are in good standing).  Additionally, because every military in the world has physically demanding requirements, students are required to participate in at least 5 hours of physical/sports activity each week.

Finally, students are also required to participate in military camps twice a year during their stay at the school.  These camps will focus on the needed military, and leadership, skills needed to become an effective officer in the armed forces.  The first camp lasts about two weeks in January, and the second camp is about one month long in July.  At least one of the camps will take place outside the borders of Belgium.

8.  Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (Brazil)


In English, the name of this fine institution translates as “Military Academy of the Black Needles”.  Besides being arguably the most notable military institution in South America, the coolness of the name alone deserves a spot on our list (the name is derived from the locality of the school). Located in the city of Resende, Rio De Janeiro, Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (AMAN) traces its roots back to 1792, making it a model for future military academies in North America, as well as the first.  Through several incarnations, the school has developed into the largest military academy in Brazil, that provides education and training for cadets to become officers in the Brazilian armed forces.

Potential students who wish to attend AMAN must attend a preparatory course beginning in high school and lasts through college, or win appointment through open competition.  Suffice to say that entrance into the school is difficult at best.  It seems that students that are admitted to AMAN’s Cadet Corp have already obtained their post-secondary degrees.  In this, once admitted to AMAN, the sole emphasis of the school is on developing cadets into fully-trained and capable officers (or warlords, according to the translation on their website).

The training is divided into three phases.  The first phase lasts for two years, and can be considered the indoctrination period.  During this time, cadets are introduced to the military-style regiment, that is a hallmark of military academies around the world.  The second phase emphasizes leadership training, and continues to build on the physical and military training began in the first phase.  The third, and final, phase of training is tailored to the specific responsibilities that young officers will need to master in order to perform in the various billets within the armed forces.

One should note that the Brazilian army has, on occasion, found the need to overthrow the elected government, in addition to confronting numerous regional hostilities.  For such onerous tasks, the development of an educated and highly trained leadership is essential.  In this, AMAN continues to excel.

7.  National Defense Academy of Japan


Japan has a rich military tradition, that is centuries old.  In this regard, The National Defense Academy of Japan (NDAJ) aims to uphold the prestige and honor of military service. It’s interesting to note, however, that many people are under the impression that Japan doesn’t have a standing military.  True enough, with the conclusion of the Second World War, Japan’s Imperial military forces were disbanded.  However, with the onset of the Cold War, America placed a good deal of pressure on Japan to assume some of its own defensive responsibility.  This emphasis has only increased, as America has had to deal with other military commitments around the world, as well as China’s emergence as a military power in the region.

Established in 1953 and located in Yokosuka, Kanagawa, NDAJ is a post-secondary military institution of higher learning.  The mission of the school is to provide training and education to students who desire to become officers in Japan’s Self-Defense Forces.  The school provides post-secondary/university level course level work, but does not actually grant degrees.  This is due to the fact that NDAJ is not a member of the accreditation organization (The National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation) that confers such honors.  However, the courses at NDAJ are duly recognized, and students are granted degrees upon graduation through the National Institution upon request.  In line with other Japanese universities, NDAJ offers a strong curriculum in science and engineering, with students able to earn degrees in these disciplines as well as social sciences.

As with entrance into any Japanese university, admission into NDAJ is competitive.  This is especially true, due to the fact that all costs associated with attending the school are covered by the government.  In fact, even if a student drops out of the program before completion, or refuses to enter into the military upon graduation (which, apparently, many do), the student is not required to reimburse the government for the time spent at NDAJ.  Nevertheless, students are selected on a competitive basis (high school rankings, grades, test scores, extracurricular activities, etc.) relative to all those who apply.  A point of interest with the NDAJ is that the school states its main emphasis is on academics, and military training is limited to fundamental levels (additional military training takes place at the officer candidate schools in the SDF).

Military training, in total, will only consume about 1,000 hours of a student’s time at the school.  Students or cadets are required to participate in two hours of basic military training each week.  Additionally, students will undergo further training in the form of a six-week course each academic year.  So, at first glance, NDAJ may seem lax on the military orientation.  Nothing is further from the truth.  In fact, the NDAJ is actually strikingly similar to its American counterparts.  The student body forms Cadet Corps, which in turn, is organized into smaller battalions and platoons.  The Corps is a self administering body, with the cadets themselves serving in leadership billets that administer the day-to-day activities of the students.  Life is regimented along the basis of military discipline – formations, marching, wearing uniforms, inspections, etc.

Still, NDAJ is uniquely Japanese.  There is high desire to produce highly educated officers who are able to think logically and scientifically, as well as display personal characteristics that are valued in Japanese society (and that will allow them to be effective officers in the 3 branches of the SDF). As a result, the NDAJ is an institution of higher learning first and foremost, and is among the most effectual of schools to be found in Japan.

6.  Federal Armed Forces University (Germany)


Germany is known (famously and infamously) for its military prowess.  Regardless of which side of right the German military establishment has fallen, the fact remained that the German armed forces were always a capable and dangerous fighting machine.  One of the reasons for this is the emphasis that the Germany military has placed on maintaining a professional corps of highly trained military leaders (for the sake of this discussion, we are talking about officers – however the German military has long recognized the importance of non-commissioned officer leadership as well).

As part of the initiative, the German government established not one, but two universities for the purpose of providing university level academic instruction to its officers (and potential officers).  These two institutions, Bundeswehr University Munich, and Helmut Schmidt University (in Hamburg), are administered by the German armed forces.  However, these two universities are operated completely different than most other military-run institutions of higher learning.  These two institutions are almost completely devoted to traditional academic offerings, with very little in the way of military training.  In fact, excepting to the intensity of the course work, the Federal Armed Forces Universities (FAFU) largely resemble other German universities.

Officers and officer candidates who attend FAFU can earn Bachelors and Masters degrees.  The primary difference with FAFU, from other German universities, is that degrees can be earned about a third faster.  FAFU academic years are based on a trimester, while retaining comparable weight (in terms of credit and instruction) to the courses that are offered therein.  As such, a master’s degree can be earned in four years, as opposed to five at other schools.

Officers and officer candidates who attend the school are obligated to 13 years of military service (for pilots, it’s 15 years).  The majority of students at FAFU are military.  However, by 2003, the prestige and quality of the course work increased, and civilian students were allowed to attend the school, provided that space was available and that the costs were underwritten by a secondary source (i.e. businesses, etc.).  For military students, all costs are covered by the government, and students are paid a salary.

Life for students at FAFU is much different than can be found at most military school and academies as well.  In fact, students at FAFU enjoy a college atmosphere that is similar to any civilian university.  Students don’t wear uniforms, are allowed to schedule their classes and other activities as they see fit, and are not required to conform to a rigid military style of discipline.  Indeed, the only visible military-oriented feature of FAFU is the military/language training that is offered on Wednesday afternoons.  There is, of course, an emphasis placed on physical training through club sports, which students are encouraged to participate in.

FAFU hangs its hat on the high quality of its academic offerings, especially in the area of scientific research.  The schools have a particularly strong aeronautical engineering program.  The essence of the school’s structure is to develop highly educated officers, with the necessary military instruction and training coming from other avenues.

5.  Korea Military Academies


The Republic of Korea (also referred to as South Korea) has remained in a state of armed conflict since the end of the Korean War.  Technically, the war has not ended, as hostilities ceased with an armistice.  In fact, there have been a number of clashes between North and South Korean military forces since the end of the war.  Suffice to say, Republic of Korea military forces maintain a very high level of readiness – out of necessity of the very real possibility of having to repel an imminent attack.  As such, one would be hard pressed to find a higher-maintained and trained armed force than the ROK military.  Into an environment ripe for hostilities, and an armed force primed to respond, the Korea Military Academies (KMA) were established.

Korea has three primary service academies that provide undergraduate and specialized military training for the three branches of the ROK armed forces – namely, the Army, Navy and Air Force.  The stated purpose of these schools is to provide military training, as well as an undergraduate education to officer cadets, for the purpose of developing professional officers for the nation’s armed forces.

As with most military academies, admittance is competitive and selective.  Potential cadets must endure a series of tests (both physical and academic), as well as have done well in high school.  The academies themselves are four-year, post-secondary institutions, that confer degrees in science, engineering and social sciences.  There is also a strong emphasis on students mastering English as a second language, in order to better facilitate and coordinate military activities on an international level.  The academic quality of the academies is on par with, or superior to, other educational institutions in Korea.

Life at the academies is based on the Cadet Corps.  Cadets (or midshipmen at the Naval Academy) reside in dormitories and follow the routine military regiment that is found at most military academies.  Time is spent either involved in academic course work, or military-related training.  In this, KMA’s are remarkably similar to their American counterparts, which served as a model.  A distinguishing difference is in the general attitude of the cadets themselves.  Cadets and midshipmen at the KMA’s take their duties with an air of seriousness that is directly related with being only a few miles from the demilitarized zone (DMZ).  These men and women recognize that they are the first line of defense in the event of an invasion from the north.  The KMA’s, as a result, produce quality officers who understand the responsibility of their profession.

4.  École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr (France)


Ah, the French.  Well, a lot can be said about the French military, not all of it good…nevertheless, whatever one’s particular opinion about the French military, one thing is for certain – the French have a long history of military experience.  The French have campaigned across the globe and their standard of military leadership has allowed the French to establish itself as recognized military power.

Leaders, however, have to be trained and École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr (ESM, and literally translated as the “Special Military School of Saint-Cyr”) has been performing this service since it was founded in 1803 by Napoleon Bonaparte.  Located at Brittany, France, the school is considered to be France’s premier military academy.  This can be summed up in the school’s motto of “they study to vanquish.” Really, you just have to love the French.

Unlike many post-secondary military institutions, ESM does not offer undergraduate degrees.  Instead, graduates of the school are awarded a Master of Arts or Master of Science degree.  Students who are admitted to ESM have completed an undergraduate degree course beforehand, or graduated from a Grande École (a top university).  This is in addition to a competitive series of aptitude tests, physical examinations, and thorough interviews.

The purpose of the school, of course, is to train and educate students to become officers in the French armed forces.  The school is structured around a three-year program that emphasizes military training and leadership, academics, and the all important physical training.  During the 1st year, stress is placed equally on academics and military training.  For the remaining two years, academics take precedence.  Students (referred to as St. Cyrians) will continue to participate in military training during scheduled breaks of 1-3 weeks during the year.  Students who attend the school are considered commissioned officers.  Upon graduation, students are promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and then have to attend an additional school that is related to their military specialty.  After all of this, they are assigned to a regular regiment as a platoon leader.

While at the school, students can expect the norm when it comes to a regimented, military-styled environment.  The French have quite the fondness for parade, and cadets can expect plenty of marching in full regalia.  To their credit, they look awesome doing it.

3.  Australian Defense Force Academy


Our brothers-in-arms from down under have a military tradition of distinguished service that dates back to its colonial period, when under British rule.  With traditions and styles that hearken to its British roots, the Australian military has stood as the wall of defense for this island/continent nation since its inception.  When one considers the geographic importance of the Australian continent, one can begin to conceive the necessity of not only a strong military component, but an effective and competent one as well.  Indeed, while the Australian armed forces have never been large, they have nevertheless been able to perform at levels that belie their size.  Certainly, this fact says quite a bit about the quality of leadership within the Australian armed forces.

With the demand for quality, came the need for quality instruction.  Unfortunately, Australia was rather slow in doing anything about this despite how, immediately after World War II, the service components recognized a need for improved educational opportunities for its officers.  It would take almost 40 years for this need to bear fruition, but it finally did and the Australian Defense Force Academy (ADFA) opened its doors in 1986.  The stated purpose of the ADFA is to “to serve Australia by providing the Australian Defense Force (ADF) with tertiary graduates who have the foundational attributes, intellect and skills required of an officer.”

The ADFA is located in Canberra, Australia, and has an interesting partnership with the University of New South Wales (which also has a Canberra campus located on the ADFA grounds).  While the ADFA concentrates on providing the military oriented training to cadets, the University of New South Wales (UNSW) provides the tertiary education.  The civilian school is also the body that actually awards the earned degrees.  Cadets and midshipmen are able to earn Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Technology degrees.  The ADFA, for its part, is a tri-service institution, meaning that it serves all three branches of the Australian military, instead of each service component having its own dedicated academy.

As one would expect, entrance into the ADFA is competitive with most students being in the upper echelon of academic prowess in Australia. Cadets (Army and Air Force) and midshipmen (Navy) at ADFA experience a military-styled education, much like those found at any other military academy.  There is a regimented day filled with classes, training, and formations.  Students wear uniforms and conform to a rank structure, in which their fellow cadets and midshipmen serve in leadership roles.  Students are encouraged (“strongly”, according to the literature) to participate in sporting activities, but this is not required.  Further, students are allowed to leave campus on the weekends and holidays.  Also, cadets and midshipmen live in single person rooms!

In short, the ADFA provides Australia with a continuing pool of effective leaders that will carry the Australian military into the new millennium and beyond.

2.  Egyptian Military Academy


Some thought went into the selection of a military academy from the African continent.  Ultimately, with Egypt dominating the headlines in recent months, and the fact that its military plays a major role in the affairs of the nation, I decided the Egyptian Military Academy (EMA) merited a spot on our list. The EMA is viewed as the most prestigious (and certainly the oldest) educational institution of its kind, in North Africa and the Middle East.

Currently located in Cairo, Egypt; the EMA was established in 1811.  The stated purpose of EMA is as follows:

“Preparing and qualifying combatant officers capable of leading their sub-units during war and peace times under different psychological and physical circumstances and with different standards of morale, in addition to maintaining the highest level of combat capability of their units, with a scientific and cultural background that enables them to cope with the rapid development of military sciences.”

It’s interesting to note that, up until 1936, admission to EMA was reserved for the Egyptian social elite.  This policy changed, however, and potential students from lower and middle class families have been allowed to attend the school since.  Graduates of EMA are commissioned as officers primarily in the Egyptian army; however the school also provides officers for other branch components of the Egyptian armed forces.  And yes, women are accepted as cadets at EMA.

There is, for whatever reason, a general misconception that many institutions of higher learning in so-called third world environments are sub-standard in comparison to their western counterparts.  Nothing could be further from the truth, as students at EMA are exposed to a quality educational standard that is comparable to any university-level institution found around world. The military in Egypt tends to play a major role in the political leadership makeup of the nation, in addition to its traditional military responsibilities.  As such, there is the recognized need for highly educated officers.  EMA awards a Bachelor’s Degree in military science on its successful graduates.  The course of study covers the spectrum of basic military subjects to computer science.

As for military training, EMA exposes its cadets to a wide range of military oriented training that is geared to prepare them for the rigors of combat.  This includes strategic planning, parachute training, and more.  Students are considered cadets while in school, and conform to a military hierarchy that is similar to other military-oriented institutions.

It should be noted that a military career is a very viable means for individuals who come from low-to-medium income/social status families to attain positions of power and influence in Egypt.  Late president Anwar Sadat, a graduate of EMA, is a perfect example.  His background was very modest yet, as a result of his training at EMA (and a fair amount of political intrigue to be sure), he was able to rise to the highest office in Egypt.  The Egyptian Military Academy continues to provide Egypt with a cadre of highly educated and professional officers.

1.  Commando Training Centre (Britain)


It’s impossible to do a list of this nature and not include the British.  Without question, Great Britain has a long and distinguished military tradition that expands centuries.  In addition, many of the military traditions and styles that many nations around the world employ, have an origin that can be traced back to British military customs.  With a purpose of instilling honor and professional military leadership, the British service academies produce some of the highest quality military officers in the world.

Each branch component of the British armed forces maintains an academy to train officers: the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (Royal Army), the Commando Training Centre (Royal Marines), the Britannia Royal Naval College, and the Royal Air Force College in Cranwell. While all of these academies certainly perform their stated missions in an admirable fashion, this spot on the list will concentrate on the prestigious, and hardcore, Commando Training Centre.

I’ve said it before, and I will state it again – Marines are Marines, regardless of the color of their flag.  By this, I mean that there is a special spirit of determination, honor and duty that comes with being a Marine that is difficult to quantify, or even articulate.  Nevertheless, Marines the world over count themselves as among the elite forces that bear arms.  Such is the case with the British Royal Marines (commonly referred to as Commandos), and the men that lead them.

The Commando Training Center Royal Marines (CTCRM), located at Lympstone, Great Britain, is responsible for the selection and training of both enlisted and officer candidates seeking entry into the Corps of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines.  The modern institution was established in 1939, though the Royal Marines themselves trace their origins back as far 1664. Getting to this point, however, is not assured, as potential candidates must first successfully complete either the grueling Potential Royal Marine Course (for enlisted), or the Potential Officers Course. This initial screening insures that candidates are physically and mentally undergo commando training.

Upon successful selection to attend CTCRM, both officers and enlisted recruits are subjected to the longest infantry training regime among all the member nations of NATO – an incredible 32 weeks for enlisted, and 15 months for officers.  Suffice to say, students are subjected to every facet of infantry training that can be expected of a commando.  Candidates who attend CTCRM will not receive any degrees. Instead, upon graduation they will receive the coveted green beret (and a commission for officer candidates), and be counted among the brotherhood of Marines.

Life at the CTCRM is hard.  Students are subjected to an incredibly regimented, and physically demanding, course of training. The stress and expectation is maintained at a high tempo (almost boot camp style), and students must maintain high military standards and bearing at all times.  Students reside in open barracks, with little free time during their stay at CTCRM.  In addition to all of this, officer candidates will be exposed to a multitude of leadership courses, and learn the fine points of being a Royal Marine Officer.

Without a doubt, British Royal Marines are among the most highly trained and motivated fighting men to be found – anywhere.  It is with due respect that I note that, while U.S. Marines wear the Eagle, Globe and Anchor insignia that displays the western hemisphere, the Royal Marine’s Lion, Globe and Anchor bears the visage of the eastern hemisphere. Once a Marine, Always a Marine. Oorah!

Top 10 Highest Paid Hollywood Male Actors

Its no secret that the actors of blockbuster Hollywood movies get paid the big bucks. Many get paid millions and millions of dollars for a single movie. But while just about every famous actor in Hollywood gets rewarded handsomely for their roles in films, there are some who make a significant amount more than anyone else.
The highest paid of these actors make up our list of the Top 10 Highest Paid Hollywood Male Actors.

10. Brad Pitt: 

The husband of actress Angelina Jolie and four-time Oscar nominee comes in at the bottom of the list. Don’t feel too bad for the guy; he still makes quite the pretty penny for his acting skills. Pitt, who has played roles in such films as ‘Thelma and Louise’, ‘Fight Club’ and ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ earns an average of $19 million per film role.

9. George Clooney: 

The seven time Oscar nominee who took home the golden statue in 2006 for his supporting role in ‘Syriana’ ranks as the ninth highest paid actor in Hollywood. The 51 year-old star of such films as ‘Up In the Air’, ‘Good Night, And Good Luck’ and ‘The Descendents’ receives an average of about $20 million for each film that he does.

8. Tom Cruise: 

Coming in at eighth on the list is frequent action film star Tom Cruise. The actor has received Academy Award nominations for his roles in ‘Born on the Fourth of July’, Jerry Maguire’ and ‘Magnolia’ and has recently released the fourth installment in his ‘Mission Impossible’ franchise. Tom Cruise reportedly earns an average of $22 million per movie.

7. Robert Downey Jr.: 

The superhero star who has been nominated twice for an Oscar ranks as the seventh highest paid Hollywood actor. Robert Downey Jr.’s fame skyrocketed in 2008 due to his career-defining role in the mega-hit Marvel film ‘Iron Man’ which has spawned a successful sequel, as well. The very much in-demand actor makes an average of $24 million for each of his films.

6. Daniel Radcliffe: 

Now that the ‘Harry Potter’ films have wrapped up, the star of the eight-film franchise has mostly been doing Broadway. However, he was in this year’s horror film ‘The Woman in Black’, which made quite a bit of money at the box office. The British actor earns a reported $25 million for each film that he stars in.

5. Leonardo DiCaprio: 

Fifth on the list is the star and heartthrob who has been nominated thrice for an Academy Award for his roles in ‘What’s Eating Gilbert Grape’, ‘The Aviator’ and ‘Blood Diamond’. DiCaprio is known for doing quality work and for being paid in great quantities in return, earning an average of $28 million per film.

4. Adam Sandler: 

The former Saturday Night Live comedic actor rakes in the dough at the box office. A slew of Sandler’s comedy films have been released over the passed few years, including ‘That’s My Boy’, ‘Jack and Jill’ and ‘Grown Ups’, and all have done very well financially. The actor earns $40 million per film on average.

3. Tom Hanks: 

Winner of two Oscars and box office draw for over two decades, Tom Hanks has been in films of many different genres, including drama with ‘Saving Private Ryan’, comedy with ‘Larry Crowne’, and family with the ever-popular ‘Toy Story’ series. Perhaps it is this adaptable quality that makes Hanks such a thrill to watch and earns him an average of $45 million per film.

2. Ben Stiller: 

This comedy star has earned quite a bit in Hollywood over the past decade with hits such as ‘Tower Heist’, his three film long ‘Meet the Parents’ series, and the family film series “Night At the Museum’ and ‘Madagascar’. Stiller earns an average of $53 million per film role.

1. Johnny Depp: 

The man who makes more per movie role than any other male actor in Hollywood is none other than Johnny Depp. The actor has been nominated for three Oscars and skyrocketed to worldwide fame in 2003 when his mega-successful Disney ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ film series was launched. Depp is a huge box office draw and makes an average of $77 million for each film role.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Top 10 Works of Art That Took Over 1000 Hours

Great art takes time. Da Vinci worked on the Mona Lisa for four years. Each list here at TopTenz is handcrafted over a period of months by elite list writing artisans deep in the Swiss Alps. And while the following works aren’t as illustrious, they all required at least 1000 hours of labour from their creators. Judge for yourself if they were worth the effort:

10. A Lego Replica of Ohio Stadium

Lego Stadium took over 1000 hours to build

The day we outgrow Lego is the day our childhood ends. For a few special people, that day never comes. They just move on to bigger projects, like this 1/1000 scale replica of Ohio Stadium.

You’re looking at Paul Janssen and over a million pieces of Lego. His pet project was completed over the course of two years and countless trips to the Lego store. While the size is impressive, it’s the detail that’s truly astounding. From the scoreboard to the pipes leading into the bathroom, this really does look like a place where little Lego men could run around and play football to the adoring cheers of a Lego crowd. Which has probably happened, because there’s no way Janssen could go to this much trouble and then resist the urge to act out a game.

Janssen achieved this level of accuracy by studying satellite images and tons of his own photos. The stadium rests in his basement, a testament to the creative power of Lego and the crazy obsessiveness of college football fans.

9. 1000 Hour Exposures

Michael Chrisman 1000 hour exposures

Michael Chrisman is a photographer who does things old school—pinhole camera old school. Pinholes require longer exposure times than modern cameras, which snap shots in fractions of a second. Chrisman widened that gap further by taking photos with 1000 hour exposures.

So for Pete’s sake, don’t put your thumb over the lens.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, for comedic purposes), that doesn’t mean Chrisman has to stand perfectly still for days on end, holding his camera and praying he doesn’t sneeze. He mounts the cameras and comes back over a month later to retrieve his photo (assuming the camera is still there).

It’s not exactly a lot of work compared to most entries on this list, but it’s a cool idea. And in an age where you can’t go a day without a friend showing you a dozen crappy Instagrams of their breakfast, it’s nice to see someone slow photography down a little. (Interview with photographer at

8. Pen Eagle

Sonja Scheppy

You’re probably wondering how this painting could have taken 1000 hours. Sure, it looks nice, but it’s nothing special. What’s the big deal? Did the artist, Sonja Scheppy, draw it with her feet or something? The truth is even more impressive—she drew this with a ballpoint pen.

This otherwise generic piece looks a lot more impressive when you realise it was crafted with the same tool we used to draw penises on our junior high school notebooks. We’re not quite sure why Scheppy decided to use a pen, but we have to admire her dedication and patience. We would have given up and reverted to our dick-doodling ways after about 20 minutes.

7. Soldiers of Thundera

If you were a child of the 80s, you watched ThunderCats. And today, you’re too overcome by nostalgia to admit that it was actually pretty dumb. Our determination to insist that schlock from our childhood was rad results in epic projects like the one pictured above.

That’s Soldiers of Thundera, by artist Robert Burden. It’s a massive painting, coming in at 72 x 132 inches. If you’re having trouble getting a sense of scale, check out this time lapse video of its creation:

Yup, Burden decided to spend seven months painting something taller than him in tribute to a silly cartoon. In the days before the Internet that would have made him clinically insane, but today it makes him a hero. Let’s hope this ends up in a gallery one day, so we can stand amongst a bunch of snooty art types and belt out, “ThunderCats, ho!”

6. 1000 Hours of Staring

Tom Friedman

Not every 1000 hour work is a masterpiece. You’re looking at a blank piece of paper, which is a waste of time. Unless you look at it for 1000 hours—then you’re an artist, apparently.

That’s how long sculptor Tom Friedman stared at it. Why, you ask? Well, the New York Times suggests it’s a commentary on “the intense visual scrutiny that all successful artists expend on their work, the long hours of looking, looking, looking in order to figure out how to make it better.” We think it’s because Tom Friedman is screwing with us.

As evidence, we present the fact that there’s no way to verify Friedman’s claim. For all we know, he could have thought this whole thing up in 30 seconds when he realised he had a blank wall in an exhibit. And that would be less ridiculous than if he was telling the truth. This is why people make fun of modern art, Tom. The only people who have accomplished less in 1000 hours are World of Warcraft players.

5. Cheese Dresses

Cheese Dress

Making fashionable clothing takes time. When that clothing is made out of cheese it takes even more time, and that’s not even including all the trips to the psychologist you’re no doubt taking.

The vegetarian alternatives to Lady Gaga’s meat dress (which served as an inspiration), a group of students used three different types of cheeses to make dresses, shoes and even a purse.

They showcase both the ingenuity and the future unemployment of their creators, as these are perfect for a high society gala at a dairy farm and literally nothing else. Seriously, they’re neat and all, but is it really worth putting 1000 hours of work into something that’s going to start molding in a week? Although if you’re at a party where the food sucks you can nibble on your shoulder, so they’ve got that going for them.

4. Recycled Typewriter Sculptures

Jeremy Mayer Typewriter Sculpture

Hey old people, remember typewriters? Do you ever wonder what happened to them all? Most probably just ended up in the trash, but Jeremy Mayer got his hands on a bunch and used them to create metallic monsters.

Yikes! It looks like a silent movie terminator. A figure like this takes Mayer 1000 hours to complete, although some of that time has to be spent cowering in fear of the unholy abominations he’s brought into the world.

We don’t mean to deny that these are impressive works of art, because they are. The amount of detail, and the effort that must have gone them, is remarkable. We’re just saying that they look like something that would come alive and strangle us in our sleep.

Ah, but we’re exaggerating for comedic purposes, of course. We don’t really think that—

Typewriter Sculpture Scary Face

Oh God, kill it! We don’t care that it technically isn’t alive, find a way to kill it! (

3. Embodiment: A Neon Skeleton

neon skeleton

You know those cheap plastic skeletons that hang in science classrooms around the world? Here’s what they’d look like if they were taken to the extreme.

As badass as it would be to make a dead body glow, this skeleton is actually made of glass tubes full of ionized krypton gas. Sculptor Eric Franklin worked on this project/sweet addition to any rave for two years. Each of the hundreds of glass seals had to be flawless, or the gas would become contaminated and flicker out.

If science teachers started using this skeleton as a teaching aid, we guarantee way more kids would pay attention (if only out of fear). (

2. Matchstick Marvels

United States Capitol Made Out of Matchsticks

If you’re like us, you often find yourself passing through Gladbrook, Iowa, without a clue about what to do there. Well, wonder no more: go check out the Matchstick Marvels museum, and be amazed.

That’s a 1/65 scale model of the United States Capitol, made from 478,000 matchsticks. It and the museum’s other creations were built by craftsman Patrick Acton, presumably because he couldn’t find anything else to do in Gladbrook.

His other works include the space shuttle Challenger, which took a mere 200,000 matches. It’s an impressive piece of construction, albeit in slightly questionable taste to use fire-starting materials to recreate a vehicle that exploded.

And for the nerds, here’s a 420,000 matchstick recreation of Minas Tirith. (Please don’t start a debate about its accuracy in the comments section.)

Thank you, Patrick Acton, for both your wonderful creations and for single-handedly keeping the matchstick industry afloat. (

1. Rolling Through the Bay

Not every artist can work in a medium as esoteric as matchsticks. Scott Weaver, for example, is more of a toothpick man. And after gathering over 100,000 of them, presumably by eating at restaurants and abusing the hell out of the free toothpick privilege on his way out, he built San Francisco.

If that doesn’t impress you, check out a video of it in action. Also, lower your standards a little, jerk.

The sculpture has several “tours,” which are tracks for ping pong balls that roll them past iconic San Fran neighborhoods and landmarks. Weaver has been working on this project for over 35 years, and he continues to add new locales and tours.

So forget 1000 hours—Weaver estimates he’s put in at least 3000. He better get a key to the city out of this. (