
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds

The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
According to Wiki a “hoodie” is a sweatshirt with a hood. But if you are a bit more knowledgeable you will also know they are a status symbol, a way to shut off the outside World when you are listening to your music or maybe even a great disguise so us nerds can blend seamlessly into normal society! With that in mind I bring you…
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
10 – Avenger’s Assemble! (£43.06)–(source)
It doesn’t matter what country you are from, you too can become an “All American” with this amazing Captain America inspired hoodie! You could go out each night cleaning the streets of scum, or maybe just sit indoors playing the Avengers Videogame.
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
9 – “Wakka wakka wakka wakka!” (£27.99)–(source)
Did you know that PacMan is the most recognized video game character in the World? What about the Plumber? No, he is in fact number 2. So why not become a number 1 winner with this rather impressive PacMan inspired hoodie!
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
8 – Pure Creed. (£83.06)–(source)
Now come on, lets not moan at the price. Sure it is expensive but the pure quality of this hoodie outweighs the cost of it. Don’t just look like Ezio Auditore, become him! (any high-profile assassinations based on that comment are not my fault)
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
7 – “Who is…Bat…Man? (£43.06)–(source)
Ever wanted to become the Dark Knight? Well now you can with this great Hoodie that mimics batman looking in both directions when viewed side on! Those bad guys would never know what hit them! …when you run as fast as you can away from them!
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
6 – Chewbacca on my backa!  (£116.90)–(source)
While this is the most expensive on this list you do get 2 Hoodies for the price of one! And best of all the super furry Chewbacca inspired Hoodie should keep you warm during those long space flights.
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
5 – The virtual world inside the real world. (£60)–(source)
I have to admit that I thought “Tron: Legacy” was a bit rubbish. But the original Tron style and look of things I still love, so it will come to no surprise to find that I think that this is incredible. The link goes to the designers shop and whenever he has made more of these amazing Hoodies to sell they will be up on the link. But they go quickly so you might just want to bookmark it. Get there in time and for just £60 it could be yours.
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
4 – “Are these the ASBO’s you are looking for?” (£33.83)–(source)
Why not quit that boring desk job and become a loyal foot-soldier for the Empire! Yes you to can become a Storm Trooper and all that it will cost you is £34! (some training needed)
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
3 – Social Armor. (£90)–(source)
Created by a very skilled clothes maker over on Etsy called Sir Chadwick Dillon is this amazing Hoodie suit of armour! And you might well want to bow before him not only because he can clearly make some truly epic clothes but he has also sold out of them! So beg, plead and bow before him and he just might make you an extra one. …or he might just chop your head off! But I think it will be worth a go just to get the chance to own one of these.
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
2 – Transformers: Hoodies in Disguise (£36.92)–(source)
For just under £40 you could well become the leader of the Autobots with this incredible Optimus Prime inspired Hoodie. Sadly it wont help you to transform into a truck but it will make you look like a real leader…. amongst nerds anyway.
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Hoodies for Nerds
1 – “Live long and be epic!” (£30.15)–(source)
It just doesn’t get any better than this epic looking hoodie. Inspired on a Vulcan salute it can help any nerd blend in seamlessly into any group of normal people and then BOOM! One quick zip down and they can become a nerd again. Great looking, in-expensive and well worth the number 1 spot.