
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains

The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The other week I did a blog post entitled “Best Images of Art Attacked Bins” and it grew my respect of street art as a whole. There is just so many good artists out there that really no-one has ever heard of and sadly not even seen their work. In fact many a street artist will see their work washed away down the drain before anyone has even seen it! But it seems some street artists have been starting where most their work ends up, so without further ado I bring you…
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
Paulo, Brazil
10 – Artist:   Anderson Augusto and Leonardo Delafuente / Location: Paulo, Brazil (source)
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
Paris, France
9 – Artist:  JR / Location: Paris, France (source)Warsaw, Poland
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
Warsaw, Poland
8 – Artist: Ernest Zacharevic / Location: Warsaw, Poland (source)
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
7 – Artist: Ned Martin / Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (source)
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
Paulo, Brazil
6 – Artist: Anderson Augusto and Leonardo Delafuente / Location: Paulo, Brazil (source)
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
Paulo, Brazil
5 – Artist: Anderson Augusto and Leonardo Delafuente / Location: Paulo, Brazil (source)
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
Berlin, Germany
4 – Artist: Mentalgassi / Location: Berlin, Germany (source)
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
Aviv, Israel
3 – Artist: Alex Atlas / Location: Tel Aviv, Israel (source)
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
London, UK
2 – Artist: Banksy / Location: London, UK (source)
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of Art Attacked Drains
Paulo, Brazil
1 – Artist: Anderson Augusto and Leonardo Delafuente / Location: Paulo, Brazil (source)