
Thursday, November 11, 2010

The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds

The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
There comes a time in every nerds life when they need to wear a suit and tie, maybe just to a wedding or job interview, but that doesn’t mean we can’t  add our own little spin on it! So without further ado I bring you…
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
10 – One for the sweet tooth. (£21.95)–(source)
I have no idea really why I liked this one so much. At it’s best it is basic, but for some reason I just find it cool! I do love Smarties so maybe that is where it comes from.
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
9 – “Can I play with your tie?” (£25.84)–(source)
Ties and Tetris!?! Shut up and take my money!!! Featuring a screenshot style image of the game makes this tie perfect for all us Tetris game nerds. I have to be honest and say I was never very good at the game it’s self but I feel if I had this tie I would be a winner!
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
8 – “I spit on your 16 bit SNES grafix!”  (£9.22)–(source)
It’s a 8-Bit inspired tie! What more do you need to know?!? Click on the link, buy it, live the rest of your life knowing you are epic and a king amongst nerds!
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
7 – It’s my “type” of tie! (£13.51)–(source)
The keyboard is the instrument nerds make sweet music on! And sweet is the right word for this great looking keyboard inspired tie at is perfect for all us desk nerds.
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
6 – Hey, sexy lady! Op Op Op Op Oppa Gangnam Style. (£25.65)–(source)
“Hey Dave, your shirt is open!”…”Nah that is my cool Hairy Chest and Stomach Tie I found on!” Nice plug Dave thank you. But getting back to the real world you don’t have to be called Dave to have some fun and enjoy this great tie.
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
5 – The meatiest tie I know! (£12.30)–(source)
I need to add nothing more than what the website says: “Getting ready for your next employment, or let’s say adoption agency, interview?  Break out our Bacon Tie because it says, “I’m a whimsical bacon lover and not a stick in the mud” and it’s an instant conversation starter!” What more needs to be said?!?
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
4 – Made of the good stuff. (£11.66)–(source)
For me it was the higher quality of the Matte finish on this tie. It looks incredible and says “NERD” as loud as anything I have ever seen! Inspired on a motherboard it will be a great talking point as well as making all other nerds envious.
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
3 – 404 Error, Tie not found. (£24.26)–(source)
The 404 or “Not Found” error message is a HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested. And it that is exactly why this is a super cool tie for a nerd.
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
2 – Super Mario tie for a super guy! (£11.51)–(source)
Almost all of us nerds and geeks love a bit of Super Mario. Maybe for what it did to video games as a whole or for just how it played, whatever the reason you are sure to love this 8-Bit Mario tie as much as I do.
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
The World’s Top 10 Best Ties for Nerds
1 – The Old School Tie (£100)–(source)
It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you are so much as a bit of a nerd you will know why this is my number 1. It’s not only amazing, it turns the person wearing it into an instant talking point! Having trouble meeting the ladies? (or men!) then stick this around your neck and become the centre of attention. Sadly the maker only ever made 2 of these but ask super nicely and they just might do another, very similar one for the right price (the other 2 went for about £100 each on EBAY as a guide price)