
Saturday, March 9, 2013

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

Bed Aquarium

I am one of those people that can sit down and watch a fish tank/ aquarium for hours on end. The countless hours inside Sea-Life centres looking at all the amazing sea life just swimming around and going about there daily lives. But what brings us here today is a very special breed of people that love watching fish far, far more than me. So much in fact that they have decided to incorporate aquariums in the most unusual places I ever thought I would see. It brings me great pleasure to bring you…

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

10 – Inside a coffee table! (source)

There are some amazing coffee tables out there that I would love to own and have in my front living room, but none much better than this one with a full on aquarium built inside of it!

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

9 – Bookcase! (source)

What I really like about this one is that it’s not rocket science, the maker just has a normal fish tank and they have clearly built a entire bookcase around it! Cleaver, yes! But also very simple to copy ourselves.

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

8 – Old TV (source)

There is a little touch of genius in these, as it is not only cool looking but also a great use of an older TV set that has blown and no longer in use! You just know there is a massive market for people to try and make their own and sell them. Recycling at it very best.

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

Fishtank in door

7 – Door! (source)

OK, OK it is not actually inside the door. But it does give the illusion of it! And this old storage cupboard turned into a aquarium is a great idea especially when you use an old external door like this designer has done, and with the exposed brickwork it is nothing short of amazing.

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

Aquarium inside office desk

6 – Office Desk (source)

Nothing more says “CEO” than a office desk that is also a rather impressive aquarium! Although I have to say that it might well distract me from my work, if I had one it would probably mean I owned the company! So it wouldn’t matter what I did anyway.

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

sofa with built in aquarium

5 – Sofa (source)

While it is very, very impressive this sofa / aquarium might not be the most comfortable thing you have ever sat on, with it’s hard edges I just get that feeling. But hey! I might be wrong and in fact what you are seeing is the most amazing sit fish tank in the World!

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

mantelpiece aquarium

4 – Mantelpiece (source)

What better way to cover that boring old mantelpiece than to wrap an entire aquarium around it! Not only stunning to look at, but it also creates a real illusion on depth.

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

Bed Aquarium

3 – Overhead Bedside Cabinet. (source)

WOW! That is just about the only thing I can say whenever I look at it! Well anyway, this overhead bedside cabinet does look impressive you might stay up all night thinking it was going to leak or maybe just stay up all night watching the fish swim over your head! Either way you are not going to be getting much sleep.

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

Aquarium in sink

2 – Bathroom sink–(source)

It just doesn’t get any better than this stunning aquarium that is built inside a bathroom sink! Who says I have everything on my blog except the kitchen sink? Well now I have that as well! This is definitely the most amazing one I have ever seen, but there is one more that is just a touch more unique than this one…

The World’s Top 10 Most Unique Aquariums Inside furniture

fish tank toilet

1 – Toilet (source)

I promise you! I really do like to look at aquariums, but this one that is built inside a toilet is going too far, while I did indeed make it number 1 for the sheer levels of the word “unique” it covers, I do think it is just a stage too far, but also kind of amazing all in one very oddly placed fish tank.