The World’s Top 10 Best Images of the Cats of Tashirojima Island
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of the Cats of Tashirojima Island
Caturday is a day to celebrate the world of cats with funny pictures,
silly memes, and lots of chats about the silly things cats do. But this
is not going to be one of those kind of posts. What I want to show you
is the top 10 best images of the cats of “Cat Island!” It is called that
because the stray cat population is in fact twice as big as the amount
of humans! Here the cats really are the master race, and it is in fact
illegal to bring any kind of dog or more dominant species to the Island!
So without further ado I bring you…
The World’s Top 10 Best Images of the Cats of Tashirojima Island