I am going to admit to something here that not a lot of people know:
“I HATE GARDENING!” I love the look of a nice garden, but hate doing it.
For several years now I have paid my elderly neighbour in beer to cut
the grass every few weeks because I hate doing that much!
But something I do love looking at and making myself is what is known as
a cinder block planter. Simple to make, the plants are care
free succulents and they look simply stunning. And with that in mind I
bring you….
10 – This is my own one, that I made! Total build price £13.60 (Wales, UK)–(source)
9 – Simple, but yet deadly effective. (Mexico)–(source)
8 – The Cinder Planter Wall! (Ohio, USA)–(source)
7 – A cinder block planter done right! (Wiltshire, UK)–(source)
6 – Small, but quite frankly beautiful (Scotland)–(source)
5 – It might be round the bend but it is also pure genius (Minnesota, USA)–(source)
4 – The perfect example of it done right. (Colorado, USA)–(source)
3 – A great example of how to do it right on a patio (London, UK)–(source)
2 – The Tower Block they call cinder (Texas, USA)–(source)
1 – There are good ideas and then there are ideas born of pure genius! (USA)–(source)
The World’s Top 10 Best Cinder Block Planters
For those of you that fancy having a go at making one of these for
yourself you can follow this easy step-by-step guide here–> (LINK)10 – This is my own one, that I made! Total build price £13.60 (Wales, UK)–(source)
9 – Simple, but yet deadly effective. (Mexico)–(source)
8 – The Cinder Planter Wall! (Ohio, USA)–(source)
7 – A cinder block planter done right! (Wiltshire, UK)–(source)
6 – Small, but quite frankly beautiful (Scotland)–(source)
5 – It might be round the bend but it is also pure genius (Minnesota, USA)–(source)
4 – The perfect example of it done right. (Colorado, USA)–(source)
3 – A great example of how to do it right on a patio (London, UK)–(source)
2 – The Tower Block they call cinder (Texas, USA)–(source)
1 – There are good ideas and then there are ideas born of pure genius! (USA)–(source)