Top 10 Rarest Flowers In The World
Certainly to classify the top ten most rare flowers isn’t easy especially since, according to scientists,
more than 270,000 types of flowers exist (which doesn’t include the 10
to 15% of unclassified flowers in remote regions of the world). Of
those that are rare, here are not only the top ten rarest flowers, but
the ten with unquestionably the most interesting stories.
10. Campion (Silene tomentosa)

Only found in Gibraltar, the Campion was once thought to be extinct
by the scientific community in 1992, when all traces of the plant
vanished. Then in 1994, a single specimen was discovered by a climber
hiking on the high cliffs of Gibraltar. It was propagated at the Millennium
Seed Bank and specimens are now grown at the Almeda Gibraltar Botanic
Gardens, as well as at the Royal Botanic Gardens in London. For hanging
in there on the solitary cliffs of Gibraltar waiting to be found, the
Campion flower comes in at number 10.
9. The Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

The Jade Vine, known for its spectacular blue-green, claw-shaped
flowers, produces a hanging inflorescence of color seldom seen in any
other flower. The flower is pollinated by bats which will hang upside
down to drink the nectar. These rare flowers are now hardly seen in the
wild and are believed to be threatened by the deforestation of their
natural habitat in the Philippines. For its beauty to botanists and bats alike, the Jade Vine comes in at number 9.
8. Parrot’s Beak (Lotus berthelotii)

Classified as exceedingly rare since 1884, the Parrot’s Beak flower is believed to be extinct
in the wild, though some individuals believe it may still be alive.
The plant is native to the Canary Islands and is believed to have been
originally pollinated by sunbirds which have long gone extinct.
Experiments have been done to see if the flowers could have found new
pollinators but, as of 2008, none of these experiments have been
successful. For all the efforts made to take this one back home, the
Parrot’s Beak flower makes number 8 on our list of the rarest flowers.
7. Chocolate Cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguineus)

You may have seen Chocolate
orchids, but have you ever seen or gotten a whiff of Chocolate Cosmos?
It is a flower native to Mexico that has been extinct in the wild for
over 100 years. Still, the species survives as a single, non-fertile
clone created in 1902 by propagation. The flowers are a rich deep-brown
color and grow to about 3-4 cm in diameter. As the name suggests,
Chocolate Cosmos emit a delicious vanillin fragrance in the summer (also
found in vanilla beans, some coffee beans and some cocoa beans). For
being so rare and almost sweet enough to eat, the Chocolate Cosmos comes
in at number 7.
6. Koki’o (Kokai cookei)

Another rare flower comes from a tree in Hawaii. Discovered in 1860,
the Koki’o tree has proven difficult to propagate and, in 1950, was
deemed extinct. However, 20 years later a sole survivor was found, but
was destroyed in a fire
in 1978. As luck would have it, one of the branches was saved and
grafted into 23 different trees in various places in Hawaii. The tree
grows to 10-11 meters high and has hundreds of bright, red flowers that
mature trees produce annually. As a flower so willing to adapt, the
Koki’o flower comes in at number 6.
5. Kadupul Flower (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

This flower is easily cultivated, but is rare for the sole reason
that it blooms so rarely. They are found in Sri Lanka in the wild and
have spiritual significance to Buddhists.
When they do bloom, they bloom only at night and then mysteriously
wither before dawn. According to Buddhists, it is believed that when
the flower blooms, the Nagas (semi-mythical Sri Lankan tribes) descend
from their heavenly abodes to present the flower as a gift to Buddha.
The flowers are oddly scented and produce delicate, white flowers. The
flower also has a rich history in Japan where its name can be
translated as “Beauty under the Moon.” For a flower so shy about
blooming and so highly thought of, they take notice on the list at
number 5.
4. Ghost Orchid (Epipogium aphyllum/Dendrophylax lindenii)

Not only rare but fascinating, the Ghost
Orchid is a plant that was presumed to be extinct for almost 20 years
and only recently materialized again. The plant is so rare because it is
near-impossible to propagate. It has no leaves and does not use
photosynthesis to manufacture its own food. It, like the Lady Slipper
mentioned below, needs a specific fungus in close contact with its root
system to feed it. The Ghost Orchid can live underground for years and
is only found in forests in Cuba, and another variety, in Florida. The
flowers emit fragrant odors and bloom between the months of June and
August. In Cuba they grow on cypress trees in which they appear to
float like ghosts, thus the name. They can only be pollinated here by
the giant sphinx moth and if their seeds land on a specific moss. For
being so selective as to their growing conditions, the Ghost Orchid
drifts in at number 4.
3. Yellow and Purple Lady Slippers (Cypripedium calceolus)

A rare wild orchid once found across Europe, Yellow and Purple Lady
Slippers are now growing in Britain, but in only one odd location: a golf
course. It has been under strict police protection since 1917 in order
to preserve it from people (and golf balls of course). A single
cutting can be sold for $5,000 US, which is unheard of considering how
the plant is very difficult to propagate.
Another rare Lady Slipper flower (Cypripedium reginae) is just as
difficult to propagate; even Charles Darwin failed to successfully
cultivate it. The seeds of the flower provide no nourishment for the
growing plant and so it lives in a symbiotic relationship with a
specific type of fungus that nourishes it. Once the plant has reached
maturity, the fungus lives off the adult plant. The flower has dark
purple to almost red-brown tendrils and bright-yellow “slipper or
moccasin” shaped flowers. For being so rare, so temperamental, and so
fungus-friendly, the Yellow and Purple Lady Slippers dance in at number
2. Youtan Poluo (no scientific name)

Discovered by a Chinese farmer named Mr. Ding when he found it
growing in his steel pipes, and then later by a Chinese nun named Lushan
who found it growing under her washing machine, the mysterious Youtan
Poluo has no scientific name and is made up of 28 pieces of minuscule,
white sweet-smelling flowers measuring a mere 1mm. It is a flower that
has been mentioned in Indian
myth and was believed to only bloom when the Sage King of the future
visits the present world. In Sanskrit the name means “an auspicious
flower from heaven”. The flower is also mentioned in Buddhist
scriptures and botanical experts say that the flower only blooms once
every 3000 years (now how would they know that?). For blooming but
every 3 millenniums, the Youtan Poluo flower is quite a wonder at number
1. The Corpse Flower (Amorphophallus titanum)

Native to Sumatra, this rare and striking plant has flowers that
reach up to 6 feet in height and 3 feet in diameter. The Corpse Flower
is found on low-lying rainforest floors in Indonesia and looks like
something out of the prehistoric age (or perhaps a Star Trek
episode). It is considered the world’s rarest, largest, and most
endangered flower. Also known as Rafflesia, its survival is
interdependent with the Tetrastigma vine. Bodiless, stemless, leafless
and rootless, it requires the vine for its nourishment and support. It
emits a pungent rotten flesh smell (hence the name, “Corpse Flower”)
which attracts flies and beetles to pollinate it. The flower blooms for
about a week before dying. For breaking the stereotype of all that a
flower is or should be, the Corpse Flower comes in at number 1 for the
world’s most rare flower.