Top 10 Worst Named Cities in America
At the risk of never being given the keys to the city of Crapo,
Maryland, where you might not to want to open anything anyway, namely a
business, there are some places that are just plain unappealing to the
ear. There are towns that for whatever reason struck ‘appeal to
tourists’ off the local chamber of commerce agendas, watched the
Rotarians rotate their wheels out of Dodge and whose mayors are
currently in the process of decommissioning our welcome wagons. I give
you the 10 worst named cities in America. Special honor to Pennsylvania for dominating this list.
10. Dead Horse, Alaska

What more could we say about it without invoking the phrase? If your
town is a ‘one horse’ one, better make sure the beast isn’t glue
9. Fleatown, Ohio

Brought in from a curbside mattress. Don’t make any hotel reservations.
8. Hell, Michigan

‘Hell’ might mean bright in German, but these name choices aren’t. If Hell was
at a lower latitude, instead of Michigan, at least in the summer it
would lend itself to ‘It’s hotter than Hell”, “No it isn’t” repartee.
7. Virginville, Pennsylvania

Not a popular town for the guys, but probably a place most mother’s
would like their daughters to take up residence, at least until they are
safely married. The fact that a hotel bears the name is high comedy. (See photo)
6. Looneyville, Texas

You can only blame the township so much, when the founder was name
John Looney. At the time the word looney may not have had the
connotation it does now. But the stigma must be horrible when you think
about your job interview and announce you are from the town of Looneyville.
5. Boogertown, North Carolina

One good thing about Boogertown, is that it’s in Gaston County home
of Cito Gaston who captained the Toronto Blue Jays to back to back World
Series wins. This may be a stretch, but why don’t YOU come up with
something for a substance a construction worker shoots out his left nostril.
4. Boring, Oregon

The community was named for W. H. Boring, an early resident of the
area. The name “Boring” is embraced by locals, however, and found in
many local businesses, resulting in many road signs that seem humorous
to outsiders. Boosters of the village designation use the slogan “The most exciting place to live.
3. Blue Ball, Pennsylvania

The town’s name often gets attention due to it being very similar to
blue balls, a sexual condition in males. This joins nearby towns Intercourse,
Bird-in-Hand, and Virginville in the list of sexually-suggestive
sounding town names in the Pennsylvania Dutch area of Pennsylvania.
2. Spread Eagle, Wisconsin

A city that’s tough on crime, but leaves you feeling compromised.
1. Intercourse, Pennsylvania

The sign reads “Welcome to Intercourse” and how many married men thought the were entering that very “city” when getting married, only to find it was a one-way trip to Blue Ball Pennsylvania. Good thing its close by.