
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The World’s Top 10 Best Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Over the weeks and months of doing this blog we have all got to see some truly amazing cupcakes. From Easter ones to shoe shaped ones, they are all a showcase of the bakers skills and creativity. But some of them I would consider a little hard to make. What we really need is a cupcake that is easy, simple and fun to make, but above all tasty. Maybe this little tasty summer treat is the answer to our needs…

The World’s Top 10 Best Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

10 – Just one Cup-netto…give it….to me!

These  ice cream sundae petite pops are a great example of what these cupcakes should look like. With a sponge center and cream top these have been finished to perfection and well worth a go at trying make some. Just click on the image link!

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

9 – Plain Jane

The image link doesn’t contain any recipe or making guide, but the image makes for a great example of what goes into making a plain ice cream cupcake. Just an ice-cream cone, sponge and a bit of cream topping is all that is required to make these tasty little treats.

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

8 – Hard top, soft bottom!

What was so impressive about this one is that unlike all the others in this list, the ice cream cone is in fact made from sponge! And what is more the ice-cream top is also made from sponge and all thanks to a special ice cream cupcake tin! Well worth checking it out I think, so get clicking on that image.

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

7 – The one for us all.

With a simple, but great design these are the ones that most of us will probably have a go at making. With a idiots guide to making them in the image link it would be very hard to go wrong. So if you fancy making a ice cream cone cupcake this might well worth a look

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

6 – The 99 special

What good is an ice cream cone cupcake without a flake in it? Well now our calls for a cupcake 99 cone have been answered with this tasty looking party snack. Sadly no making guide or recipe in the image link, but it does clearly show what is inside of them.

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

5 – Festive Snacks

These Christmas tree cone cakes with a snowy base are a fantastic spin on the original ice cream cone cakes, and might well be worth bookmarking the image link to make some closer to Christmas. Or maybe just make some right now!

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

4 – Rainbow licker!

These stunning rainbow sponge cone cakes are amazing and perfect for a party treat. There is a rather good making guide and recipe in the image link, but I suspect they will still require some skills to make them. But well worth a go!

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

3 – The Patriot Act

These USA inspired ice cream cone cupcakes are a perfect example of how creative you can be with them, With a tasty hard chocolate topping and a red, white and blue sponge they really are a showcase of cupcake making skills. And best of all is that there is a full on making guide and recipe in the image link. Want to make some? Then get clicking!

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

2 – Plain Perfection

These cupcakes have been done to perfection, but are nothing special. What is well worth a nod of appreciation is the hard chocolate topping. Once again there is no making guide or recipe in the image link, but are as close to cupcake perfection as I have ever seen.

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

Ice Cream Cone Cupcake

1 – The Very Best of the Best.

Not only do these lemon and passionfruit meringue cake cones sound amazing plus look amazing, but they also come with a World class step by step making guide in the image link! These really are exceptional and well worth my number 1. Why are you still reading this rubbish? Get clicking on that image link already!