
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassette Tapes

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassettes Tapes

Lamp made with old Cassette Tapes

Today I am feeling a little nostalgic and have been remembering the days when I used to have a load of cassette tapes to play in the car, now I have CD’s and my Nexus 7 to play my music on. But people who only know CD’s and I-Pods will never know what it was like to have to rewind a cassette with a pencil, use that same pencil to pull the tape back in after the player has tried to eat it, and the mental art of pressing record at the exact time that favourite song is played on the radio. But what am I supposed to do with all these old cassette I have found? Well it seems there are loads of ideas out there, but I only want the 10 very best of them…

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassette Tapes 

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassettes Tapes

Cassette Tape iPod Touch Cases

10 – The Old & The New

As someone who does indeed remember using cassette tapes these 60 minuet tape Nano Cases are a joy to look at, but then again I would have been more impressed if it was a stand alone player, but still great recycling of tapes none the less.

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassettes Tapes

Chair made with Cassettes

9 – No Chair-leaders required!

Chairs do not get any more retro than this one. Made with upcycled neon covered cassettes tapes it is a joy to look at. Sadly you will need to make your own if you want one of them, but it just might be worth a go.

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassettes Tapes

Lamp made with old Cassette Tapes

8 – Light up my World

If you fancy a little touch of the 80′s in your home then you could do far worst than this rather beautiful, eco-friendly lamp made from old cassette tapes. I think this looks great and might have to have a go at making one myself.

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassettes Tapes

cassette tape wallets

7 – Keeping my memories and moneys!

Nothing too complicated here, just a great recycling idea done with an upcycled cassette tape. I kind of like it because it would make a great talking point out of a normal use object.

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassettes Tapes

cassette tape pencil holder

6 – Keep calm and remain stationary

Now here is one that even I can have a go at making! And while I am sure that no-one would need it, there is a great step-by-step making guide in the image link.

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassettes Tapes

Cassettes Tape CD holder

5 – The old holding up the new

This CD rack that is made from old cassette tapes is in fact quite easy to make, you see tapes have several holes in them that were originally used to keep it in place in the cassette player so all you need is a few screw bars, buts and screw nuts on the ends!

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassette Tapes

Cassette Tape Jewellery Boxes

4 – Keep those sweat bands safe!

What better way to keep your Jewellery safe than a cool, retro looking jewellery box this is made using upcycled cassette tapes! Not a bad thing to make with tapes at all.

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassette Tapes

Cassette Tape note book

3 – “Dear Diary, today I upcycled some cassette tapes!”

What I like about this idea is that it uses the holes that secured the tape in the player with great effect. So if you are the type of person who still writes a shopping list down or like me needs to write your blog ideas down A.S.A.P because otherwise your forget them, this is the perfect gift for you.

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassette Tapes

Cassette Tape Skeletons

2 – Scary Art

While this is well above my own skill level it isn’t for the artist Brian Dettmer. You see, he makes amazing skeletons out of old cassette tapes! For some reason the tapes colours and shapes seen to make some of his works very life like indeed.

The World’s Top 10 Best Things Made with Cassettes Tapes

Breakfast bar made with Cassettes Tapes

1 – Retro furniture at its finest.

Recycling old tapes just don’t get any more grand than this cupboard made from just under 1000 old cassettes! Done by  Dutch designer Patrick Schuur it is nothing short of incredible and really doesn’t look that hard to make ourselves.