When I was little I can remember that I hated Easter. But not because
my family couldn’t afford chocolate eggs because although we couldn’t
we always got some off neighbours and relatives that were better off.
No, I hated it because it was that time of year I was forced by the
school art teacher into painting an Easter inspired egg! News Flash!!! I
have no art skill at all! Not one bit. My eggs would always be the
class laughing stock. But looking back it seems I just needed to be a
bit more of a nerd! Then maybe I might have been able to pull off one of
these bad boys….
9 – Eggvengers Scrambled (source)
8 – The Walking Egg (In a twist Andrew Lincoln Played “Egg” in “This Life + 10″ (source)
7 – This should have made it on this blog post as well->Top 10 Portal Cube Items (source)
6 – Make sure you don’t start chucking them at pigs! (source)
5 – “ My God, it’s the future. My parents, my co-workers, my girlfriend, all eggs!!!” (source)
4 – Time And Relative Dimension In Space Eggs!?! Sounds like a B-Movie to me. (source)
3 – Sorry I just can’t resist saying it….EGGSTERMINATE!!! (source)
2 – All my happy memories done as painted eggs! (source)
1 – The perfect painted Easter Eggs for the Super Mario Bros. (source)
The World’s Top 10 Most Amazing Nerd Inspired Painted Easter Eggs
10 – “Look inside yourself and you will find….yolk?!?” (source)9 – Eggvengers Scrambled (source)
8 – The Walking Egg (In a twist Andrew Lincoln Played “Egg” in “This Life + 10″ (source)
7 – This should have made it on this blog post as well->Top 10 Portal Cube Items (source)
6 – Make sure you don’t start chucking them at pigs! (source)
5 – “ My God, it’s the future. My parents, my co-workers, my girlfriend, all eggs!!!” (source)
4 – Time And Relative Dimension In Space Eggs!?! Sounds like a B-Movie to me. (source)
3 – Sorry I just can’t resist saying it….EGGSTERMINATE!!! (source)
2 – All my happy memories done as painted eggs! (source)
1 – The perfect painted Easter Eggs for the Super Mario Bros. (source)