The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees

The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees
When I was just 12yrs old my family had
decided to visit my Grandma for Easter (my family didn’t really get on
with each other so this was in fact quite a rare thing to do) But
getting back to the point of this… While visiting my Granny, her next
door neighbour was using a ladder to hang brightly coloured eggs in this
little bush/tree that he had in the garden! This odd tradition is
mostly seen in Germany (he was indeed German) and it is done by
decorating the branches of trees and bushes with eggs for Easter and it
is centuries old, but sadly its origins have been lost. So why not joint
me as we take a look at some of the very best images from this rather
beautiful tradition…
The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees

The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees
10 –The simple traditions are always the best ones. (source)
This first one is a great example of things to come, For
your information this really should be called “The World’s Top 10 Best
Ostereier Baums” as that is what these Easter Trees are called in

The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees
9 – Traditional Family Time (source)
For some family’s the whole event of making an Easter Tree is a
chance to come together and to make something rather special that they
will often use as a table centerpiece.

The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees
8 – Keeping old traditions going. (source)
To most people the tradition of making these “Saalfeld” Easter egg
trees is something that is a long past thing to do, but some still make a
little effort to do one, just so people remember that sometimes things
in the past were wonderful and amazing as well.

The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees
7 – Some get it out twice a year!!! (source)
For me this is a little lazy but still rather amazing to look at,
what some people do is to use their Christmas trees to hang their eggs
maybe because they don’t have a garden or maybe because they want their
“Saalfelder Ostereierbaums” inside instead of out.

The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees
6 – Easter Smiles (source)
Sometimes adding a few cheap multi-coloured plastic eggs to a bush or
tree can in fact make it look rather special! So why not give it a go
yourself as I am sure you can get them in most craft shops for just a
few pennies!

The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees
5 – When it comes to keeping traditions alive we can all help! (source)
Even German Fire service people like to chip in and keep
the tradition alive, and this image was taken of them making an Easter
Tree in front of a school so that maybe the younger generations
will appreciate these rather amazing displays.

The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees
4 – Why would you forget about these?!? (source)
Why on earth would you not want to remember this
amazing traditional?!? It just brings a touch of beauty to the garden
and a big old smile to the face. After all, anything that can do that
should never be forgotten.

The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees
3 – Questions, questions, questions!!! (source)
What I loved about this one was that it shows that it isn’t rocket
science! Just hang a few nicely painted hard-boiled eggs from a few
twigs and it is job done, then when people ask you “why” you have done
it, you can tell them all about the tradition of making them!

The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees
2 – The more the merrier! (source)
As with most things in life, the more time and effort (and coloured
eggs) you put into making an Easter Tree the better it is! And while
this one is just incredible and nothing short of a thing a beauty,
but believe it or not there is one that is even better…

The World’s Top 10 Best Easter Trees
1 – It all ends where it all started (source)
This is what you call Beautiful and it is nothing shy of it. This
stunning tree is located in a small German village
of Saalfeld, Thuringia and is in fact all the work of one man! Volker
Kraft has just one wish and that is to keep this amazing tradition alive
and each and every year he makes what is widely regarded as the
biggest Osterbrunnen display in the world. (If you would love to know more please do click on the “source” link)