Top 10 Historical Cemeteries
Cemeteries are interesting. On the one hand, these grounds are the final resting place for the dead. Yet, while death
may be the primary purpose of these areas, it is the living who find
value and significance in them. Cemeteries have an allure for many, far
more than I would have thought prior to doing the research for this
article. For some, these hallow grounds are a place of remembrance and
reflection. For others, the attraction may be the historical
implications, or the popularity of those who are buried there. Whatever
the case, many cemeteries around the world have become distinguished
over the years. These hallowed grounds stand timeless, and present
their charges with continued dignity and honor for all those who
continue to pay homage to their lives. With this in mind, here are the
Top 10 Historical Cemeteries.
10. Valley of Kings (Egypt, est. 1600 BC)

What could be more appropriate than beginning our list with a burial
site that is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, from the annals of
antiquity? An initial response to this selection may be
thought-invoking, as most will not equate historical tombs with a
“cemetery”. Yet that is exactly what this historic area is – a burial
place for the dead – in this case, the royal dead. Known in its time as
(inhale) The Great and Majestic Necropolis of the Millions of Years of the Pharaoh, Life, Strength, Health in The West of Thebes (phew), the Valley of Kings, located in Egypt, is the final resting place of pharaohs and other powerful persons, dating as far back as 16th century BC.
The area is mostly a desert, and has been subject to the ravages of
time (and grave robbers). As such, many of the harmonizing and tranquil
aspects common to most cemeteries won’t be found here, and the scenery
is as majestic as only windswept sand and rocks can be. Yet the weight
of history is palatable here. One can imagine the majesty that this
necropolis projected at its zenith. The tombs that have been discovered
thus far (63) have been a treasure trove of archaeological and
anthropological information, regarding life thousands of years past.
The tombs themselves have preserved not only scientific points of
interest, but the culture of a people. Perhaps its most well-known
occupant is King/Pharaoh Tutankhamen.
9. Gettysburg National Cemetery (United States, est. 1872)

The historical significance of this cemetery to Americans cannot, and
should not, be minimized. Located at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, this
cemetery is dedicated primarily to the fallen soldiers who participated
in the 1863 battle that shares the area’s name. By most historical
accounts, this battle was the turning point of the American Civil War,
in favor of the North. There were over 40,000 casualties in this
battle, with almost 10,000 soldiers losing their lives. Many of these
soldiers had been buried in shallow graves following the battle, and
subsequent foul weather began to expose the bodies, necessitating a
permanent grave site.
The layout of the graves is one of the prominent features of this
cemetery. The Soldiers National Monument, a monolithic structure, is
situated in the center of the grave site area. The monument is
representative of the Union’s victory, and the courage of the soldiers
who fought and died. The grave sites themselves were placed in
concentric circles around and preceding out from the monument (which
represents the equality of each grave/soldier). The graves are further
grouped by state from which each soldier served, and one area that is
designated for unknown soldiers. The cemetery is now closed for further
burials, though it has expanded since its founding, and there are
American soldiers from every major war buried there. There is a
prevailing sense of “never again” when one visits this place of final
8. Highgate Cemetery (United Kingdom, est. 1839)

There’s no doubt that Highgate is a cemetery. Located in London,
England, this cemetery has all the earmarks that invoke all those Halloween
and thump-in-the-dark tales that spook children (and some adults as
well). Because the area also doubles as a nature reserve, there is a
lot of vegetation growth that has encroached on many grave sites and the
paths that lead to them. Tree, bushes and flowers were planted and
left to grow unattended. In fact, animals such as foxes roam freely on
the cemetery grounds. Add in the typical gloomy English weather, and
you have a recipe for stereotypical cemetery imagery (akin to a haunted
forest in all actuality).
The cemetery, which is a popular tourist attraction (and a small fee
is charged to get in), is fairly large and divided into two parts, aptly
referred to as East and West Cemetery. The older, West Cemetery,
contains an impressive collection of Victorian-styled crypts, mausoleums
and tombstones. Death held an allure for this style of architecture,
that is evident when viewing the Gothic statues, tombs and buildings
that are scattered throughout the grounds. There are over 170,000 laid
to rest at Highgate – many of whom were prominent English persons,
though the most notable occupant is Karl Marx.
7. Zentralfriedhof Cemetery (Austria, est. 1863)

You wouldn’t have guessed it, but the Zentralfriedhof Cemetery is one
the largest cemeteries in Europe (going by the number of interred), and
reportedly one of the largest in the world. There are over 3 million
people buried here. Located in Vienna, Austria, Zentralfriedhof
Cemetery covers an area of 2 ½ square kilometers. The cemetery is
actually serviced by its own public bus line, with a number of bus stops
within the cemetery. The cemetery itself is divided up into several
sections – mostly along religious preference, reflective of the
religious tensions that dogged the establishment of Zentralfriedhof.
There is a Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist section,
with a Mormon section recently added in 2009.
In addition, there is a military section (laid out with military
precision), an anatomy section (where those who donated their bodies to
science are laid to rest) and an infant section (for young children,
stillborns and infants). With this, there is an eclectic feel to the
cemetery, as visitors move from one section to another as each has its
own layout and “persona”. This cemetery is also a popular tourist
destination, due in part to the who’s-who of composers that are buried
here. The Ehrengraber (honorary) section contains the graves of
Johannes Brahms, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, and Antonio
Salieri, to name a few. Interestingly enough, this section of the
cemetery was erected for the express purpose of being a tourist
6. Almudena Cemetery (Spain est. 1884)

There are more people buried in Almudena than there are living in the
city of Madrid, where it is located. With an estimated 5 million
people interred on the 120 acres of land that the cemetery covers,
Almudena is the largest cemetery in Europe by far. The interesting
thing about Almudena is that it has an urban,
congested feel to it. For certain, it’s crowded – both in terms of
visitors and those buried there. With limited space available, the
graves are literally crammed together, as grave markers are situated in
very close proximity to one another. On holidays, the number of
visitors attempting to see loved ones (or sightseeing) can be
problematic, due to these close confines.
The various architectural styles of the grave markers and monuments
make for a hodgepodge view though, interestingly enough, many tourists
are drawn to this feature. Nevertheless, the cemetery is prominent in
Spain, with a number of noteworthy Spaniards resting here. This
includes singer Lola Flores and renowned writer Benito Perez Galdos.
5. St. Peter’s Basilica (Italy est. 1626)

The Papal Basilica of St. Peter has such a rich history and
significance (both historical and religious), that volumes of books have
been written about it. The Basilica’s interior is the largest of any
Christian church currently standing, and is one of the holiest sites in
Christianity. It architecture has been the subject of much study, as
have been some of the artisans who contributed to its majesty (such as
Michelangelo). For these reasons and more, Christians and tourists make
pilgrimage to the Basilica to behold this magnificent edifice in
What is not as well known is that these premises also serve as the
final resting place for some very important religious figures. An
interesting side note is that Vatican City itself is constructed over an
area that was once a cemetery. At any rate, the impetus behind the
construction of the Basilica was to mark the final resting place of St.
Peter, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. It is said that St. Peter’s
tomb is located directly under the basilica’s altar. In addition,
there are more than 100 tombs located here – including those of 91 Popes, important religious figures (St. Ignatious of Antioch), and even British royalty (the exiled King James Edward Stuart).
4. Pere Lachaise (France, est. 1804)

Located in Paris, France, this cemetery has the distinguishing point
of interest of being established by Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon once
declared that every French citizen had the right to a burial, regardless
of their religion or race. For this reason, Pere Lachaise is a
non-denominational cemetery. In fact, this was a problem early on, as
many Roman Catholics refused to be buried in a cemetery that was not
properly blessed by the Church. As with other cemeteries that were
looking to increase its popularity, Pere Lachaise embarked on a
marketing scheme to entice new burials, that entailed having the remains
of Moliere (famous playwright) and Jean de La Fontaine (famous poet)
interred here.
Apparently the idea worked, as Pere Lachaise is one of the most
visited cemeteries in the world (with literally hundreds of thousands of
visitors and tourists each year). Reportedly, there are over 1 million
people buried in Pere Lachaise. Further, because it is an open
cemetery (i.e. still accepting new burials), space is at a premium. It
is not uncommon, for example, for members of the same family to be
buried in the same grave or, once a grave lease expires (and not
renewed), for a body to be removed to make room for someone new. As
such, the cemetery can seem a bit crowded and packed, much like the
Almudena cemetery. Nevertheless, the cemetery boasts a long list of
noteworthy occupants. In addition to its first two famously interred
persons, Oscar Wilde (novelist) and Jim Morrison (singer for The Doors) are also buried here.
3. Mount Moriah Cemetery (United States, est. 1878)

Situated in Deadwood,
South Dakota, the location alone should give readers some insight as to
the historical significance of this cemetery. This cemetery has a
unique tradition, in which the American flag flies continually over the
grounds, as opposed to from sunup to sundown (which necessitated an act
of Congress). The town of Deadwood, where the cemetery is located, is
infamous for the exploits of notable figures such as Wild Bill Hickok
and Wyatt Earp, who made their rounds (and a bit of gunfighting) in the
Today, the cemetery stands as a historic memorial of a turbulent time
in American history. There are almost 4,000 persons buried here (and
the cemetery is closed to new applicants seeking plots). The layout of
the cemetery is simple enough, with modest grave markers and the like
noting gravesites. There is a respectful humbleness to this cemetery
that hearkens to a simpler time, and belies the violent nature that
inundates the town’s historical reputation. Naturally, it is that same
reputation (and the noteworthy persons buried here) that attract the
tens of thousands of visitor to the cemetery each year (as many as
100,000). Western personalities Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane, and
Seth Bullock are among those buried at Mount Moriah Cemetery.
2. Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial (France, est. 1944)

The D-Day invasion of France during World War II was a monumental
point in history. The effort, for Americans, came with a heavy price –
about 2,500 soldiers were killed (and approximately 3,000 Allied troops
lost their lives). The Normandy battle was the beginning of the end of
Nazi occupation of Europe, and Allied victory over the Axis powers. The
Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial, located in Normandy, France
(and perched on a bluff that overlooks the Omaha beach that was stormed
by American troops) honors the American soldiers who fought and died on
D-Day, and in other battles throughout the war.
Though the cemetery is located on foreign soil, France has granted
the United States a concession for the land. As such, the American flag
flies over this cemetery, and it is administered and funded by the
American government. There are 9,387 service men buried here – a
continued reminder of the price that has to be paid when soldiers take
to the field in defense of their nation. White crosses and Stars of
David, laid out in military precision, mark the grave of each fallen
soldier. A memorial is situated at a prominent position overlooking the
rows of graves. A colonnaded structure, built in a semi-circle,
features a 22-foot statue aptly named “The Spirit of American Youth
Rising From the Waves”. This cemetery is a rousing remembrance of the
price of freedom. There are three Medal of Honor winners buried here,
including Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (President Roosevelt’s son).
1. Arlington National Cemetery (United States, est. 1864)

Located in Arlington, Virginia, this is another cemetery that has
roots that date back to the American Civil War. It sits on land that
formerly belonged to the family of Mary Anna Lee (General Robert E.
Lee’s wife). This cemetery inters military casualties and veterans of
America’s armed conflicts since the Civil War. As with any military
cemetery, the grave stones – mostly identical to one another except the
inscription and accompanying faith symbol – are arranged in neat rows on
immaculately manicured lawns. A moving tradition at the cemetery
features an American flag being placed on every gravestone on Memorial
The cemetery also features the Tomb of the Unknowns (also known as
the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier), that is located on a hill that
overlooks the Washington D.C. area. This memorial honors those fallen
who have not been identified. A popular tourist attraction, the Tomb is
continually “guarded” by soldiers of the U.S. Army’s “Old Guard” (3rd
U.S. Infantry Regiment). In fact, the Tomb is a part of the much
larger Memorial Amphitheater, that is used for memorial ceremonies and
other functions at the cemetery.
The nature of military cemeteries can never be forgotten or
minimized. These are the men and women who served their country and, in
many cases, gave their lives so that we may live freely. These
hallowed grounds stand as stark testimony that freedom is by no measure
free, and that it has been earned with the blood of many. This final
place of rest deserves the respect of all who visit, and for all us to
remember the sacrifices that were made. The most notable (and most
visited) burial site is that of President John F. Kennedy
– whose memorial is marked with an “eternal” flame. Jacqueline
Kennedy, two of their children, and his brothers Edward (Ted) and Robert
are also buried here.