Top 10 Scandals of 2012
10. Football’s ‘Bountygate’
With all the recent evidence that brain injuries
from tackle football can lead to dementia or even suicide, the news
that a group of New Orleans Saints players pooled their money to reward
anyone who successfully inflicted injuries on opposing players was met
with disdain. After a two-year investigation, the NFL reported that
defensive coordinator Gregg Williams created the pay-for-pain program
upon his arrival to the franchise in 2009 and that it involved at least
two dozen players. According to the league, Williams and others paid
players $1,500 for knockouts and $1,000 for “cart-offs.” NFL
commissioner Roger Goodell responded by fining the Saints; suspending
Williams, head coach Sean Payton, general manager Mickey Loomis,
assistant head coach Joe Vitt and four current and former Saints
players; and forcing the team to forfeit its second- and third-round
draft picks. But in September, an appeals panel overturned
the suspensions of the players on a technicality: that Goodell could
punish players only for “conduct detrimental” to the league (a new date
for the appeals hearing has yet to be set). While it seems the Saints
escaped the debacle relatively unscathed, their performance has
suffered, with the team starting the season 0-4.
9. Banks Sued for Rigging LIBOR
Another year, another banking scandal — this time involving the London
interbank offered rate (LIBOR), the average interest rate the world’s
big banks pay when they borrow money. This figure, according to TIME’s
Christopher Matthews, is used to “price hundreds of trillions of
dollars’ worth of financial instruments, from high-yield corporate debt
to student loans,” and are thus an important financial factor in the
U.S. and abroad. So when it was revealed earlier this year that banks
were manipulating LIBOR at the expense of citizens, outrage was heard
round the world. It all started with Barclays, when officials admitted
that the bank rigged LIBOR to benefit its bottom line. The bank was
forced to pay both U.S. and British regulators a total of $450 million.
But the scandal got worse. In October, U.S. homeowners banded together
to file a class action against the likes of Bank of America, Citigroup,
UBC, JPMorgan Chase and, of course, Barclays. The suit cites statistical
evidence showing that the banks falsely inflated LIBOR at the beginning
of every month in order to increase homeowners’ mortgage rates over the
course of 10 years. As many as 100,000 plaintiffs are expected to join
in the lawsuit, and if they succeed, each could be paid big. Forbes
estimates that the banks earned hundreds of millions, if not billions,
off the rate manipulation; the banks deny the allegations. In the
meantime, British banking officials have worked to overhaul the way
LIBOR is regulated. The question is whether the new rules will work.
8. Bo Xilai Falls from Power
Chinese politics are significantly shielded from the public, but that
didn’t stop the Bo Xilai affair from becoming one of the most
talked-about scandals of the year, both in China and abroad. In March,
the rising political star was removed from his post as secretary of
Chongqing’s Communist Party just months before the nation’s first
leadership transition in a decade — a transition in which he was
expected to play a big role. Bo’s downfall was set in motion when a
former deputy, Wang Lijun, visited the U.S. consulate in Chengdu to
reportedly pass on suspicions that Bo’s wife Gu Kailai was involved in
the murder of British businessman and family friend Neil Heywood. Gu was
promptly arrested, while Bo’s career was effectively derailed.
According to Chinese state media, Gu didn’t contest the murder charges
during a closed trial in August that lasted only seven hours. Officials
maintained that Gu and a family aide, Zhang Xiaojun, poisoned Heywood
over a business dispute. Gu believed that Heywood was a threat to her
son Bo Guagua, who supposedly received assistance from Heywood while
studying at Oxford University. While Gu and Zhang await sentencing (they
could face the death penalty if convicted), Bo is being detained for
“violating party discipline,” a charge that could include obstruction,
abuse of power and corruption, and is expected to be tried in the
Supreme People’s Court. While the government’s secrecy and media
censorship make it difficult to determine what really happened, it seems
that all parties involved are assumed guilty.
7. The Secret Service and Its Prostitutes
What happened in Cartagena didn’t stay in Cartagena. A dozen Secret
Service agents who were tasked with securing the area before President
Obama’s arrival for the Summit of the Americas were busted for bringing
prostitutes to their hotel rooms after a night of binge-drinking in the
Colombian city. The April 11 incident brought attention to the Secret
Service’s propensity for partying on overseas government trips — they
don’t call it the “secret circus” for nothing — and raised questions
about the President’s security. The scandal came to light when one of
the agents refused to pay his escort — later identified as 24-year-old
Dania Suarez — the full amount for her services. Following the incident,
11 agents were expelled from Colombia and placed on administrative
leave, and eight of those agents were fired. Four of the former agents
later argued
that their behavior wasn’t “out of the ordinary” and didn’t warrant
dismissal. This only led to more questions for Secret Service director
Mark Sullivan, who defended the agency’s culture during a Senate hearing
in May and reiterated that the actions of the group did not compromise
national security. Perhaps to prevent this kind of embarrassment from
happening again, the Secret Service promptly issued new rules of conduct
that ban heavy drinking and bringing “guests” to hotel rooms on work
6. The Boy Scouts’ Hidden ‘Perversion Files’
In October, a law firm in Portland, Ore., released
files on more than 1,200 scoutmasters and volunteers who were accused
of pedophilia or sexual abuse that the Boy Scouts of America had kept
hidden. These so-called perversion files spanned 20 years — from the
mid-1960s to the mid-’80s — and are thought to be just a small portion
of a vast record of sexual-misconduct allegations involving as many as
100,000 children. The files were kept secret under a protective order
until the Oregon Supreme Court ordered their public release following a
sex-abuse lawsuit brought by six former Boy Scouts. Meanwhile, the Los
Angeles Times found
that the organization had failed to report allegations of sexual
misconduct to the authorities. Dozens of the accused were even able to
slip back into the organization in other states, according to the Times,
perhaps leading to more instances of abuse. Boy Scouts president Wayne
Perry admitted in October that in some cases, the organization’s
response to the incidents was “insufficient, inappropriate or wrong.” As
more victims step forward, the Boy Scouts of America could be expected
to pay significant damages to those who have been affected.
5. Penn State, Part 2
The Penn State sex-abuse saga continued to unravel in 2012, with more
victims, resignations and sordid details after more than a year of
investigations. In October, Jerry Sandusky, the former assistant
football coach who was charged with sexually assaulting at least 10
underage boys, was found guilty on 45 of 48 counts of child sexual abuse
and was sentenced to a minimum of 30 years in prison. In July, former
FBI director Louis Freeh released an in-depth report on the scandal and
concluded that top administrators not only knew about Sandusky’s
indiscretions but also attempted to conceal them, thereby putting the
welfare of many children at risk. Shortly after the report was released,
the NCAA imposed severe penalties on the football program, including a
$60 million fine, a four-year postseason ban and a void on all victories
from 1998 to 2011. Meanwhile, three top-ranking officials who were
forced to resign — ex-president Graham Spanier, former athletic director
Tim Curley and retired vice president Gary Schultz — now face charges
including perjury, obstruction, conspiracy, endangering the welfare of
children and failing to report suspected abuse (their trials are set for
January 2013). As if it couldn’t get any worse, civil lawsuits
against Sandusky and Penn State are slowing rolling in. While the
horrors of the far-reaching scandal may be over, its repercussions will
be felt for a long time.
4. Chick-fil-A and Gay Marriage
It all started with a statement from Chick-fil-A president and COO Dan Cathy on The Ken Coleman Show:
“I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our
fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a
marriage.’ I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a
prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define
what marriage is about.” Chick-fil-A has long been known for its
owner’s view on marriage, but the comment set off a series of protests
and counterprotests — Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day was helmed by former
presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, while Same-Sex Kiss Day was
supported by LGBT activists — that had everyone from citizens to mayors
and even the Muppets picking sides. But while Cathy’s statement was
enough to grab headlines and incite fierce debate over social media, the
controversy also opened up criticism of the company’s nonprofit
organization, the WinShape Foundation. A 2011 report from Equality
Matters uncovered that WinShape, which is almost entirely financed by
Chick-fil-A profits, had donated
about $5 million to anti-gay organizations, including Focus on the
Family, the Family Research Council and Exodus International, since
2003. The revelation led many people to question whether the company was
able to separate its business operations from its owner’s beliefs.
Cathy continues to insist that while the family supports traditional
families, “we have no agenda against anyone.”
3. Lance Armstrong Is Stripped of His Titles

Talk about a fall from grace. After years of denying that he had any
part in the doping scandal that rocked the sport of cycling, Lance
Armstrong finally succumbed to the overwhelming evidence gathered by the
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. In October, the USADA published a 1,000-page
report that implicated Armstrong for not only using
performance-enhancing drugs but also for helping run “the most
sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport
has ever seen” on his U.S. Postal Service and Discovery Channel teams.
Armstrong’s sponsors, including Nike and Anheuser-Busch, dropped him,
and the cyclist was forced to resign as chairman of the Livestrong
Foundation before severing all ties with the cancer-fighting foundation
in November. While Armstrong still hasn’t publicly discussed the USADA
report, it appears the fight may have gone out of him. “The toll this
has taken on my family and my work for our foundation and on me leads me
to where I am today — finished with this nonsense,” he stated in
August. But the question is whether the legal system is finished with
him. According to TIME’s Sean Gregory, perjury charges could be next for the former hero.
2. Susan G. Komen Defunds Planned Parenthood
Politicians aren’t the only ones who can flip-flop. In January, Susan G.
Komen for the Cure, the nation’s leading breast-cancer organization, announced
that it would stop funding Planned Parenthood for its breast-health
services, cutting about $680,000 in grants to the nonprofit. As the news
spread over social networks, women across the country became outraged
that Komen might have responded to pressure from anti-abortion groups.
As the vitriol toward Komen reached a fever pitch, Nancy Brinker, the
organization’s founder and CEO (she announced her intention to leave her
post in August, along with president Liz Thompson, but will remain at
Komen until a new leader is chosen), apologized and announced that it
would continue to fund grants for Planned Parenthood. The reversal was
seen as a victory in the fight for access to women’s health care, but
Planned Parenthood emerged as the biggest winner,
having raised more than $3 million from donors in just three days.
“With the outpouring of support over the past week, even more women in
need will receive lifesaving breast-cancer care,” Cecile Richards,
president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said
after Komen backed down. The Komen foundation, meanwhile, suffered
dearly for the controversy, with participation and fundraising for its
Race for the Cure events down across the country, including a 25% decline for its biggest race in New York City.
1. The General’s Mistress: David Petraeus and Paula Broadwell

Just a few days after Barack Obama was re-elected as President of the
United States, General David Petraeus — the highly respected director of
the CIA and former commander of U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan —
announced his resignation, citing an extramarital affair with his
biographer, Paula Broadwell. But that’s where the story begins. Within
days, a half-dozen other characters emerged: a Tampa socialite and her
identical twin, a dogged FBI agent and another high-ranking general are
all being investigated for breaches of security. Meanwhile, members of
Congress asked why they were the last to know of the scandal, and
conspiracy theorists questioned the timing of the general’s resignation,
as it occurred just before he was slated to testify before Congress on
the Benghazi consulate attack (the general testified a week later). The
Senate Intelligence Committee is investigating the affair to determine
if Broadwell did indeed have knowledge of classified information and how
she obtained it.