The World’s Top 10 Amazing TARDIS Inspired Furniture

T.A.R.D.I.S inspired sofa
I don’t watch a lot of basic TV because now days everything is
on-line and on-demand so I can fit what I want to watch on TV around my
life not the other way around. But one show I always make sure I watch
is Doctor Who because I love it so much. Sometimes it is rubbish, some
times it is scary, but I never miss an episode. So with the nerdy side
of me in full control I have decided to bring you…
The World’s Top 10 Amazing TARDIS Inspired Furniture

T.A.R.D.I.S inspired pedal bin
10 – Doctor Who Is not that rubbish!
For all those that think Doctor Who is rubbish, why not show how bad
you think it is by getting a TARDIS inspired pedal bin! Well for the
rather pricey sum of (£59.06) you can have you very own one, it would
make a great gift if you like Doctor Who or not.

T.A.R.D.I.S inspired Door
9 – The TARDIS door
With a little imagination and the fantastic making guide in the image
link you to can walk through a small TARDIS door and into a big room.
(provided the chosen door is not a cupboard. It doesn’t seem that hard
to do, and just might be worth a go.

T.A.R.D.I.S inspired drinks cabinet
8 – The big 50
With the big Doctor Who 50th anniversary due soon (with a special
episode that is due to air on November 23) this TARDIS inspired drinks
cabinet might be just the thing for a Doctor themed nerd-tastic party!

T.A.R.D.I.S inspired book cabinet
7 – Silence in the Library
This idea goes to show what someone with a bit of IKEA furniture and a
lot of creativity can do, because turning a plain book cabinet into a
TARDIS inspired on is a genius idea. Sadly this is a one-off and we
can’t buy it, but it looks incredible!

T.A.R.D.I.S inspired TV cabinet
What better way for me to watch the latest adventures of doctor who
than on this cool TARDIS inspired TV and DVD cabinet! They have decided
to call it “an expandable entertainment center” but I will stick with TV

T.A.R.D.I.S inspired chicken coop
5 – The Doctors assistant becomes a chicken!
OK, it isn’t home furniture, more like garden furniture but this
TARDIS inspired chicken coop most probably makes some chickens very
happy. What I like about this idea is that you really can walk in and
come out with a breakfast in hand! …provided you like eggs. Best of all
is that there is a fantastic step by step making guide in the image

T.A.R.D.I.S inspired shed
4 – The Classics
It has been done a thousand times over and has been seen by millions,
but the classic TARDIS inspired garden shed still makes me smile. Check
out the image link because I have linked to not only this shed that the
image was taken from, but ALL of the sheds inspired by the TARDIS and
there is loads of them!

T.A.R.D.I.S inspired sofa
3 – Take a seat!
Before anyone gets their hopes up of owning one of these amazing
TARDIS inspired sofas I have to be honest and tell you that I have made
this image myself. Sadly it was only done in photoshop and the image
link goes to the classic red version of this sofa. But it will only take
someone with a little creativity to make one for real.

T.A.R.D.I.S inspired fold out bed
2 – Do Timelords Sleep?
The Doctor once said that he needs to sleep a lot less than humans,
which means that Time Lords need at least some R&R. Well if they
need rest then I think they will find this rather amazing TARDIS
inspired fold out bed just the thing to pass the time.

T.A.R.D.I.S inspired fridge
1 – Doctor Who Vs The Ice Warrior
What I love most about this idea is that it not only fits the shape
of the refrigerator really well, but you can also buy the kit (£121.41)
and do it yourself! Do you know what!? I think I might just have to do