The World’s Top 10 Most Amazing Rock Climbing Walls

St Benedict’s church in Manchester
If there is one thing I love doing that
always surprises even myself, it is that I love rock climbing! Not fee
climbing, I am not a complete nut-case,
but safety roped, harness buckles and leader’s tie-in knot kind of safe.
But much like a mountain climber I have things I would love to climb, a
sort of safe rock climbing bucket list! So grab a rope, belay device
and helmet and join me as we take a look at…
The World’s Top 10 Most Amazing Rock Climbing Walls

housing buildings present Arons en Gelauff Architecten in the University of Twente
10 – Climbing School
For this one we are going to the Netherlands because a
campus building on Enschede university has a very
cool high-rise climbing wall! The University has always been proud of
their fine sporting heritage, so this goes rather nicely to support

Climbing Silo in Amsterdam
9 – The Silo Treatment.
After entering a sort of “upcycling” design competition, the
winner Arons en Gelauff design was chosen to turn some rather boring
looking and mundane sewage treatment silos into some rather
amazing ‘Cultural Silo’ and the one next to it a ‘Climbing Silo’.

Designer Gym in Japan by Nendo
8 – Rock or Frame Climbing?!?
There are some climbing walls that are cool, some are massive! And
then there are some that are just plain weird! This amazing designer gym
in Japan is like no other climbing wall in the world, instead of the
normal t-nut climbing holds,, you have to climb using shelves, bird
cages, countless picture frames and even the odd antler! Weird but also
strangely cool.

Climbing Wall in Wunderland
7 – Climbing goes nuclear!
This is most probably the Worlds strangest place to find a climbing
wall, because in Kalkar, Germany there is a 130ft climbing wall that
goes up the side of a nuclear plant cooling tower! But if you click on
the image about you will soon see that it is even stranger than that
because it has an entire theme-park not just outside
the decommissioned plant but also inside it!

St Benedict’s church in Manchester
6 – The right place to pray you don’t fall.
This might not be the biggest, the best or certainly the hardest
climbing wall in the world, but it is definitely the one located in the
strangest of places. You see in Manchester this amazing image of
a vertical climbing wall with moulded footholds occupies the tall nave
of St Benedict’s church! And as climbing wall setting go this is a very
impressive one indeed.

Mobile Climbing Walls
5 – The Tower of Power
This is how it all started or me. I had the joy of climbing a “Rock
‘n’ Road” Mobile Climbing wall while at a music event in Cardiff, and
some of their designs really are very cool indeed. While they will not
win an awards for the World’s biggest, best placed or hardest climbing
walls just the fact that they are all mobile meaning that they can bring
a wall to any event or show and show people the pure joy of rock
climbing making these worthy of being included on this top 10.

Grain silo Ice Climbing wall
4 – Winter Wonderland
What you are looking at is normally just a plain old store
silage silo.But since 2001 the owner (a local farmer from Cedar Falls)
decided to convert it into the Worlds only artificially made ice
climbing wall. This would be perfect for me because real waterfall ice
climbing can be very, very dangerous indeed.

42nd Street Wall Climb
3 – Wall climbing, Movie Style
You can now try your hand at being a real life Spider-man or
Spider-woman over at Universal Studios, Orlando. Because they are giving
people a chance to do some ‘urban climbing’ and if you ask me that is
really cool and got to be worth a go at the very least!

AquaClimbs, pool side adventure climbing.
2 – Last one up to the top is a wet drip!
AquaClimbs® really are the World’s number 1 when it comes to pool
side climbing, with some of the bigger models go right up to almost
30ft! Now that might not sound tall, but it is as close you can get to
free climbing without risking life and limb.

Bjoeks climbing center, in the Dutch city of Groningen
1 – The Excalibur Tower
Even it’s name sounds epic! At a leg shaking 37 meters tall it is the
World’s tallest free-standing climbing wall, And with a overhang of 36
feet also one of the hardest and therefore most scary you will ever see
or climb, and for that very reason I feel I would just have to give it a