The World’s Top 10 Funniest Basset Hounds

Funny Basset Hound
My next door neighbor’s dog is one of the naughtiest dogs I have even
known! It chews anything, raids the outside bin at least once a day and
humps everything it can get its paws on! But the only question on my
mind is this: Is it just my neighbor’s dog being a bit daft or are all
basset hounds silly! Well it seems it might be the latter….
The World’s Top 10 Funniest Basset Hounds

Funny Basset Hound
10 – “ohh! Look at me, i’m scary. Seriously, Halloween sucks can we go home now?”
FACT: The humble Basset Hound originated in medieval France and was a popular hunting dogs! (Via:

Funny Basset Hound
9 – “I swear it just attacked me! I was just looking for some loose crumbs in the toy box!”
FACT: Basset Hounds were bred to hunt in packs. Therefore, they are
very social and affectionate. They are also calm, mild-mannered, and
gentle. (Via:

Funny Basset Hound
8 – “Elementary, my dear Watson! …Oh! Your name is Frank is it. Oh well.”
FACT: Basset Hounds can be both sensitive and stubborn. They may get
upset when scolded and at times may behave as though they don’t hear
your commands. (Via:

Funny Basset Hound
7 – “OK, I know this looks bad but I can explain…It all started with a strange smell.”
FACT: After the
French Revolution (1789), the Basset Hound was a favored hunting dog
because it was a slower moving hound that could more easily be followed
on foot and was useful in tracking small
game. (Via:

Funny Basset Hound
6 – “Why did you throw this innocent stick away? What has it ever done to you?”
FACT: Basset Hounds have great endurance and can follow a scent for
hours. But, since they also love naps and don’t mind spending the day
lounging around, they have a tendency to become overweight. Therefore, a
Basset Hound needs regular exercise to keep its weight in check.

Funny Basset Hound
5 – “If Dumbo can do it so can I…believe!!!”
FACT: Because of the extremely long ears of Bassets they are prone to
ear disease. If their ears are allowed to dangle on the ground or in
food on a daily basis they are capable of developing chronic and
potentially fatal ear diseases. (Via:

Funny Basset Hound
4 – “Why are you lot walking on the ceiling?!?”
FACT: Bassets might howl or bark when they want something or to
suggest that they think something is wrong (like a storm is coming).
They also use a low, murmuring whine to get attention, which sounds to
many owners as though their Bassets are
talking. (Via:

Funny Basset Hound
3 – Why did the Mexican throw his girlfriend off a cliff? TEQUILA!!!
FACT: Because of their droopy eyes, the area under the eyeball will
collect dirt and become clogged with a mucus. It is best to wipe their
eyes every day with a damp cloth. This helps to lessen the build up and
eye irritation. (Via:

Funny Basset Hound
2 –”Stay cool human, I attacked that newspaper that was going to kill us all!”
FACT: The Basset Hound is an old breed which is a direct descendent
of the Bloodhound and has a nose that is almost as outstanding. Some
sources suggest the Basset Hound may have originated from genetic dwarf
dogs that were born in litters of different types of hunting
hounds. (Via:

Funny Basset Hound
1 – ”Stop laughing at me, i’m nesting.”
FACT: The first use of the word “Basset” in describing a breed of dog
with short legs can be found in early French text written in the
sixteenth century. (Via: