The World’s Top 10 Best Things to Make With Milk Cartons

White Elephant made out of recycled Milk Cartons
We all have to go through disappointments in life because it is what
makes us stronger and appreciate the better times in life even more. But
one moment will be with me forever and never to be forgotten. You see,
while on holiday in Devon, UK once I got the chance to try fresh cows
milk straight from the cow. Let me tell you that if ever you get the
chance to do the same…DON’T!!! It was awful and I was so disappointed
because I really thought it would have been much better than milk from a
carton. So I think I should try to find some uses for all those
empty milk cartons I will make over the years, so without further ado I
bring you…
The World’s Top 10 Best Things to Make With Milk Cartons

Milk Jug Bird Feeder
10 – Make a Bird Feeder
Nothing too complicated here, just a good recycling idea that will be
great fun to make with the little ones. And best off all is the image
link has an easy to follow step-by-step guide.

Milk Jug Skeleton
9 – Make a Halloween Decoration
This looks amazing and while it will require a fair old amount of
time, effort and skill to pull it off I think it would be well worth it,
and there is also a great step-by-step guide to make it.

milk bottle watering can
8 – Make a watering jug
What you see on the end of the milk jug is a “Sprout” and is the work
of Evan Gant. It is intended to help gardeners and upcycle their empty
milk jugs into watering cans. Click on the image a take a better look at
this rather amazing concept idea.

Milk Jug Storm Trooper Helmet
7 – Make a Storm Trooper Helmet
While this will require a fair old amount of time and skill, it has
to be said that it is an idea made from a pure genius, not only does it
look great, make for a great recycling idea as well as those 2 things
there is also a step-by-step guide to make one as well! What more could
you ask for?!

Spirit Jugs
6 – Make a Milk Carton Ghost
Not only do these look great, but they are also very easy to
replicate. In fact I would go so far as to say that even I will try to
make some of these for Halloween. And lets face it, if I can make it
anyone can!

Dust scooper made with plastic milk carton
5 – Make a Dustpan.
Now this is what I call pure genius, just cut alone the lines of the
plastic milk jug it shows in the image and you have yourself a
good replacement for a broken dustpan!

milk bottle planter
4 – Make a Planter
This simple looking milk bottle planter brought a smile to my face
the moment I saw it, so I knew it would have to be in this top 10 and I
for one think it is a great idea. No making guide in the image link but
it wouldn’t be too hard to copy it.

Milk Bottle Penny Jar
3 – Make a Penny Jar
This idea is so simple it hurts, just clean out an old plastic milk
carton and use it as a penny fund for saving towards a day out or new
gadgets, provided it is left alone (harder said than done) it will build
up quite nicely indeed and there is no making guide required.

White Elephant made out of recycled Milk Cartons
2 – Make an Elephant
Sadly this would require more plastic milk cartons than I will ever
drink in my lifetime, but this White Elephant seen at Glastonbury
Festival one year is a sight to behold and a real showcase of how big
Peoples creativity can be given a simple plastic milk bottle.

milk carton stationary organiser.
1 – Make some pencil holders
I don’t know what I like more about this idea, maybe it is because it
makes organised coloured pencils look amazing, or maybe that
it just doesn’t need a making guide of any kind, because it is quite
clear what you have to do to the milk cartons.