The World’s Top 10 Best Love Heart Inspired Items

Love Hearts Retro Office Rubber Stamps Set
It might just be me, but I think we ALL have a favourite sweet from
childhood that sparks nostalgia at the very thought of them. And for me
that sweet is Swizzels Matlow’s: Love Hearts. The more innocent times in
life when I thought if I gave a girl a love heart sweet that said “I
love you” it meant that she just had to go out with me! Well it seems
lots of people have fond memories of these sweets because they have
decided to make this lot….
The World’s Top 10 Best Love Heart Inspired Items

Love Heart Sweets Ring
10 – “…you should have put a ring on it!” £3.50
Well I am sure that Beyoncé would love these amazing Love Heart
rings! Handmade, with adjustable silver plated rings, a choice of
several colours and Love Heart themed messages they are a fantastic gift
and well worth £3.50 of anyone’s money!

Love Hearts Earrings
9 – Sweet Fields of Lilac (£5.00)
For just a single fiver you can have these lovely Pegasus Bead, love
heart earnings. You can get them silver, gold , gunmetal or hot pink
plated meaning that it would be a very individual gift for the person it
is for, and I think they are great…if a little to Lilacy.

Love Heart Charm Bracelet
8 – Fully Loaded (£12.50)
Nothing says 80′s more than this rather packed charm bracelet that
features several polymer clay love hearts. Each bracelet is made to
order so it means you can not only have it made to fit you perfectly,
but made to fit your personality as well!

Wooden Love Heart Brooch
7 – ’Cause I don’t have a wooden heart, There’s no strings upon this love of mine (£8.00)
Well I might not have a wooden heart now, but for just under a tenner
I can have my very own wooden love heart brooch, what i loves about
these was that they are not only well made a good little gift, but they
would also last a whole lot longer than the sweet version.

Love Hearts Toast Stamper Set
6 – “sign my name across my toast…?!?” £4.99
For less than the price of a cinema ticket you could get a Love
Hearts toast stamper! All you have to do is stamp the slice of bread
with the stamper, put it in the toaster, then when it is cooked and
comes out the messages ‘LOVE’ and ‘HOT STUFF’ is visible!

Love Hearts Retro Office Rubber Stamps Set
5 – Stamp of Approval. (£8.99)
Do people still write love letter to each other, or is it all E-Mail
this, Blog that? Well I would like to think people do still write hand
written love letters, and if they do these would be the perfect stamp
set to do it with. And with 3 stamps for less than a tenner this is
quite the little bargain as well.

Love Hearts Strawberry Eau de Toilette
4 – Strawberry Shortcake says she approves this item! £5.00
Not really one for myself, but a great gift for anyone that much like
me remembers the sweets fondly. Lets face it, who wouldn’t want to
smell like strawberry cream!?! Well anyway for just a fiver this would
make a perfect gift for someone.

love hearts inspired Passport Holder
3 – Stamp My Heart £15.00
While a lot more expensive than the other Love Heart related gifts
you see here it is still very cool indeed, and 100% handmade! Not a bad
gift at all and it might well makes someone’s day if then received it.

Love Heart covered wedding cake
2 – The World’s best wedding cake?!? (£N/A)
There is cakes for weddings and then there are wedding cakes, and
this is just about as perfectly suited to a wedding as it gets, with an
incredible 5 tiers it really is incredible. Please do check out the
others amazing cakes in the image link as the whole blog is well worth
looking through if you are looking for some ideas for the big day.

Iconic Love Heart Cushion
1 – ”everybody needs a bosom for a pillow!” (£16.99)
The moment I saw this I knew it would be my number 1, most things
cushion based are quite cool for lunging out on the sofa with, but this
retro Love Hearts inspired one is in a whole different ball park and
what I think is….Oh just Shut-up and take my money!!!